Life Cycle Objectives AirlineRequest By Phong Phan Erik Day
Operational Concepts AirlineRequest is an application that’s intended for cell phone users to check the flight information. Base on the limited information entered from the cell phone key pad, it will display a small amount of information retrieve from the server.
System requirements What does the application do for us? On the cell phone, AirlineRequest midlet have the capability of retrieving the flight information at a certain server. On the server side, the AirlineRequest servlet will parse the information given from the cell phone, cook it up, and return the appropriate data to the cell phone.
System requirements (2) Interface – appearance of AirlineRequest: Top level: name of application.
System requirements (3) Next level: Choose airline and flight number
System requirements (4) Customer involvement: This is a useful application for customers; however, it’s still open for receiving feedbacks from users. What if the user forgets the airline number? The midlet may offer an advance option, so they can enter departure /destination.
System and Software Architecture Midlet: Gets all the needed information from users – airline and flight number. Sends the information to the server as string format (e.g. “UA345”). Waiting for the servlet response. Display what given from the servlet.
System and Software Architecture (2) Servlet: Gets the flight info, as “UA345” Parses it into airline=UA, flightNumber=345. Gets the date by calling Date(). Read the info into this website (one of the possible servers that we can get info): Service=YHOE&smls=Y&dep_arp_name=&arr_arp_name=&dep_d t_mn_1=Feb&dep_dt_dy_1=2& dep_tm_1=9:00am&aln_name=UA&flt_num=345
System and Software Architecture (3) The red texts above are variables, initialized by the values on the right of the equal sign. Store the info from the website above to a String variable. Parse that string to extract the demand data only, filter out all the ads and html tags (hardest part). Send the information back to the midlet.
System and Software Architecture (4) Midlet Send info request to server Server sends data back Servlet Yahoo server Request to Yahoo Read info from Yahoo
Life Cycle plan Who wants it? Any customer who has a cell phone with the ability of browsing the server, and wants to check flight time on a rush. Who’ll support it? New generations of cell phones will all have browsing ability. Customer won’t have to check the internet for certain tasks (because they don’t have the internet in their car), and they don’t have to call WHENISTHEARRIVALTIME, because they hate it.
Feasibility Rationale Implementing midlet for AirlineRequest is very much the same as Razor or Meow. Implementing servlet requires a bit work. Up to this point, the servlet can get the needed data from the user and reads the whole webpage from the target server (Yahoo). What left to do is, using Java regular expression, we should be able to extract the right information and return it to the midlet.
References HW4 specs HW3 old stuff Lecture slides on Lifecycle and Functional Specs heckflight heckflight