Leaders in Networking & Knowledge (LINK) II Pedro Rodriguez, Jr. Recruitment Coordinator Nina Anderson Client Navigation Specialist
Intervention Description and Strategies LINK 2 follows the individual intervention model but at time orientation of the recruiters may be done in a group. Priority population: Puerto Rican MSM at high risk of HIV or HIV+ and unaware of status, HIV+ and aware of status but not engaged in care or dropped out of care Service delivery settings: The David Geffen Center for HIV Testing and Prevention, GMHC Mobile Testing Unit & Mount Sinai Medical center Services and activities : HIV Counseling and Testing, Enlistment and Training of Recruiters, and Care Coordination Services. Recruiter Enlistment: Recruitment Coordinator will identified HIV-positive or HIV-negative high-risk Puerto Rican MSM from the community who are able and willing to recruit individuals at-risk for HIV infection through their social, sexual, or drug-using networks. Recruiter Coaching: Coaching will be available on an ongoing basis throughout the period of the recruiter’s participation. Recruitment of Network Associates: Recruiters will refer individuals for testing who they have identified as being at risk for HIV infection, MSM and self-identified as Puerto Rican Network Associates: Network Associates who are identified by a LINK II recruiter will be referred to the David Geffen Center for HIV counseling and testing.
HIV Care Continuum The intervention targets the following key portions of the HIV continuum. Stages 1 & 2 (HIV+ and unaware of status): Identifying new positives (those unaware of their HIV positive status) and/or those aware of their status and not linked to care. Stage 3 (Linkage to Care): We provide LTC services for newly diagnosed individuals and those aware of their HIV+ status and not linked to care. Stage 4 (Engaged in Care): We work with our medical partners to ensure that clients referred/linked to care are engaged in care, by obtaining lab work at the 3, 6, 9 and 12 month point, to document LTC services. Additionally, we provide supportive services to address barriers to individuals being engaged in care. Stage 5 (Started on ART): While we do not provide ART, we ensure that immediate LTC services and discussion around the benefits of ART are initiated immediately following a positive result. And as a result, we have found that clients are more likely to remain in care, take their ARV, and be virally suppressed
Linkage to Care Began Linkage To Care project in January 2012 Developed detailed policy and procedure for program including a detailed protocol for tracking Linkage To Care (LTC) & Retention To Care (RTC) with Mount Sinai Comprehensive Center. Utilizes a modified ARTAS approach Same day connection to medical care & supportive services at preliminary positive result by Client Navigation Specialist (CNS) Verification of initial comprehensive via obtaining CD4 and viral load lab work CNS immediately builds rapport with client providing assistance with supportive services including GMHC intake department including other needed services including pantry, legal, advocacy, housing and case management.
Intervention Update Intervention protocols were developed and piloted in House and Ball community in the LINK I project We have adapted the social networking strategy (SNS) for the PR MSM community for the LINK II project Documentation will take place with our EHR system, external recruiter database and our ACASI based survey Original strategy focuses on HIV+ Recruiters, we have started with mix of HIV+ and high risk HIV- recruiters Timeline The IRB was approved in September of 2014 and LINK 2 starting testing in October. The salsathon has begun. WEPA
Partners and collaborators Partner: Mount Sinai Medical Center – Linkage of newly diagnosed HIV+ PR MSM to primary care Collaborator: GMHC - Services for HIV+ and high risk HIV- participants
Project Staff Nina Anderson, CASAC; Client Navigation Specialist* David Geffen Center for HIV Testing Brandon Ford; Data Entry Specialist David Geffen Center for HIV Testing Lynnette Ford, MSW, MA; Project Director Managing Director, Program Services & Evaluation Hannah Hirschland, LMSW; Evaluator* Assistant Director, Health Informatics Jasmine Major, MPH; Research Assistant Coordinator, Evaluation and Review* Pedro Rodriguez; Recruitment Coordinator* David Geffen Center for HIV Testing Kalyani Sanchez; Project Manager Assistant Director, David Geffen Center for HIV Testing *In attendance at HRSA Grantee Meeting