Characteristics of Living Things
Scientists say there might be up to 50 million different species of organisms on earth What do all those have in common? –Made of cells Also Made of matter-atoms and elements –Cells are made of atoms All 50 million species are made mainly of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms.
Percentages of elements in all living things: Oxygen: 65% Carbon: 18.5% Hydrogen: 9.5% Nitrogen: 3.3 The rest are trace amounts of calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfer, chlorine, sodium, etc…
Fish salamander turtle chicken pig rat dog human
So where did life come from? Until the 1600’s, most people believed in spontaneous generation. –Life can arise from non-living matter –Believed for 2,000 years. For example: mice came from straw and frogs and turtles came from rotting wood and mud at the bottom of a mud puddle Spontaneous Generation
Francesco Redi (1668) Disproved spontaneous generation In his days, people thought maggots came from rotting meat. This meant that flies (adult maggots) would have to come from dead animals (meat)
Redi’s experiment In other words, they thought living things could arise from non living things. Series of experiments using jars, lids, meat, and cloth netting… –Scientific method maybe????
Redi’s experiment Fly burgers
Characteristics that all life forms share… Made of cells Able to move: –ie(phototropism) Perform complex chemical activities –Ie; digestion and photosynthesis Grow and develop Respond to stimulus Reproduce
Ability to move… Find food and shelter Escape danger What about plants? –Ever placed a plant near a window? Have you noticed how it leans towards the sunlight? Mimosa Plant
Perform Complex Chemical Activities All life has to “break down” and “build up” substances (such as food) Once broken down, they release energy. How do our bodies do this? –By a process called metabolism
Metabolism Metabolism generally involves the release or use of chemical energy. Nonliving things do not display metabolism. Complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms –1. Ingestion (eating)-getting food into your mouth. Now metabolism can begin… –2. digestion- process by which food is broken down into simpler substances (sugars, carbohydrates, etc) –3. Respiration-process by which living things take in oxygen and use it to produce energy
Metabolism…(cont) –4. Excretion- process of getting rid of waste materials. If we didn’t get rid of the waste we would be literally poisoning your body
Respond to Stimuli Living things respond to changes in light, heat, sound, and chemical and mechanical contact. To detect stimuli, organisms have means for receiving information, such as eyes, ears, and taste buds.
Growth Growth requires an organism to take in material from the environment and organize the material into its own structures. – –To accomplish growth, an organism expends some of the energy it acquires during metabolism. – –A person, for example, digests a meal of meat and vegetables and transforms the chemical material into more of himself or herself.
Reproduction A living thing has the ability to produce copies of itself by the process known as reproduction. These copies are made while the organism is still living. There are 2 types of reproduction: –Asexual reproduction –Sexual reproduction
Asexual Reproduction Asexual reproduction involves only one parent, and the resulting cells are generally identical to the parent cell. –Bacteria reproduce asexually.
Sexual Reproduction Involves more complex organisms (compared to bacteria). –2 parents contribute to the traits of the organism. –The new organism generally has a combination of the traits of both parents. Not identical to either of the parents.