How are living things organized? There are various levels of organization: and get bigger. Let’s start small
1) Atoms Atoms are the smallest unit of matter that have the chemical properties of a particular element. Examples: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen…
2) Molecules Molecules that are the small building blocks from which larger molecules are made. Examples: Glucose Amino Acid Water
3) Macromolecules Large molecules consisting of many subunits. Examples: Protein Cellulose
4) Organelles Examples: Specialized structures inside of a cell. Mitochondria Cell Membrane
5) Cells Example: The smallest unit of biological organization that biologists consider alive.
6) Tissue A group of distinct and similar cells that carry out a specific set of functions. Examples: Muscle Skin
7) Organ Examples: Groups of tissues organized together to carry out a particular set of functions. Brain Stomach
8) Organ System Example: Groups of organs that function together to carry out broad sets of functions.
9) Organism (or individual) Examples: Individual that has its own distinct existence as a complex, reproducing unit.
10) Population Examples: Group of freely interacting and breeding individuals of the same species. School of fish Herd of Zebra
11) Community Example: Populations of different species living and interacting together in a distinct area. Marine community
12) Ecosystem Examples: Distinguishable groups of species and the abiotic (non-living) components of the environment with which the living creatures interact.
13.) Biome Geographically defined area based on climate and environmental conditions.
14.) Biosphere I’m sure you can figure this one out!