TABLE OF CONTENTS Strengths Opening Statement SLIDE 4 Section 1: Self Leadership SLIDE 5 Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE 6 Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE 7 Section 4: Critical Thinking SLIDE 8 Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership SLIDE 9 *If you do not have one outcome from each area of the Inventory completed, you may opt to choose 2 from one of the sections. TABLE OF CONTENTS Strengths Opening Statement SLIDE 4 Section 1: Self Leadership SLIDE 5 Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE 6 Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE 7 Section 4: Critical Thinking SLIDE 8 Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership SLIDE 9 *If you do not have one outcome from each area of the Inventory completed, you may opt to choose 2 from one of the sections.
Signature Strengths Woo Positivity Input Communication Adaptability Values in Action Strengths Curiosity Perspective Fairness Humor Zest M
I have always sought leadership roles. It was instinctual. I am constantly looking for ways to grow and evolve as a person and better myself. Leadership experiences seemed to be a perfect way to do this and its a great way to gain new experiences. URI Leadership Program has given me the opportunity to expand on this make many new friends and connections. I am grateful for this opportunity and I hope that one day I can make a difference. Perhaps I will work for nonprofit organizations to change the world and show people how to look at animals as a co-inhabitant of this planet. OPENING STATEMENT
SECTION 1 SELF LEADERSHIP Outcome 4: Student will demonstrate knowledge of stress management methods Additional Experience: Interacting with the SOLC- Booth Description : I was having a very stressful day and I coincidentally came upon a booth in the Memorial Union run by the SOLC. They were doing activities to help people understand how to manage stress. They had a few sheets of paper that had pictures and ideas of how to manage stress. There were examples like go for a walk, watch a funny movie, listen to relaxing music and many more suggestions. Taking one, I read through it and recognized many techniques that I also learned in health class back in high school. This included things like organizing yourself, staying positive and taking a deep breath. It has been proven that taking a few deep breaths can improve your mood, simply because the extra oxygen helps your body maintain optimal levels for functioning. Keeping yourself organized is also a big deal. It makes me think of a movie quote where a man discussed his girlfriends stress problems. She was in debt and stressing out, but took a weekly yoga class to keep herself calm. He suggested she replace that yoga class with a part time job, which she did, and pay off the debt. He said something along the lines of treating the root cause, rather than the symptoms. If you know what is making you stressed, get organized, take care of it and get it off of your plate. Getting all of your work done and knowing you no longer need to think about it is the best feeling in the world. You will feel one hundred times better. Staying positive is also important, because many doctors say that a positive outlook replaces the neurotransmitters in your body with serotonin and dopamine (the “happy” transmitters), causing you to physically be in a better mood, which helps reduce stress. I guess this works out well for me because Positivity is one of my 5 top strengths.
SECTION 2 Leadership Theory and Models Outcome 26: Student will show knowledge of the “Servant Leadership” theory of leadership by Greenleaf Target Class- HDF 190 Additional Experiences- Platform Speech for Servant Leadership Assessment We learned about Servant Leadership in HDF 190. A leader should feel the need to work for a higher cause and for the greater good. According to Robert Greenleaf, they should be compelled to serve their community and seek out leadership roles because it is an instinct. A leader is not a dictator, but a member of their community who is willing to serve.. We watched a TEDTalk where the speaker explained the Golden Circle. This is the How, What and Why that drives people to serve. The Why is the most important because it is at your core. If you can express to people why you do what you do, they are much more inclined to follow you. At the end of the section, our assessment was a platform speech in which we explained our understanding of the theory. In my speech, I focused on empathy as my Why. I related to others in the class and the reasons they chose leadership, agreeing that we really never thought but it until recently. I continued on to explain how I could use servant leadership in my career to make the world a better place. As a servant leader, I first think about how I can improve the world around me before I actually think about leadership itself.
SECTION 2 Leadership Theory and Models Outcome 46: Student will show knowledge of the “Social Change Model of Leadership Development” by Astin et al Target Class- HDF 190 Additional Experiences- Studying for the Social Change Assessment We learned about the Social Change Model in HDF 190. We learned that someone who takes part in social change is called a change agent. A change agent is someone who has the understanding and ability to create positive change in the world. All change involved in this model is positive change and cannot be reversed. Once people choose to make a change for the better, it simply keeps improving. The model is designed in a triangular pattern, with each corner representing individual values, group values and societal values. Arrows point from section to section in both directions, showing that it can work in any way. If an individual has values and brings it to a specific group, this group can bring their values to the community in a lager way. Another way could work is if the individual took part in a community event that shared their values or had a cause worth supporting. This community event can then attract groups and spread social change in that way. There are numerous possibilities to create change within this model. It also includes the seven C’s of change. These were difficult to remember, so I made flashcards for myself to study. There were particular C’s assigned to each group of values. After the class got an understanding of the theory and the seven C’s we discussed a good example of social change, The Ice Bucket Challenge, and debated how well it followed the model.
SECTION 3 Outcome 82: Student will describe personal examples of being a change agent Target Class HDF190- Learning Contract My learning contract is a perfect example of becoming a change agent. I am utilizing several of my strengths to create a plan for URI to host a fundraising event to promote awareness of sexual abuse. I know that change takes a long time, and although I may not inspire everyone to change, I am confident that I will inspire a number of students to change the way they think about violence towards woman. I have never taken such a big step before or lead such a large project, but am excited to do so and see where this process takes me. As a person who is skilled at Winning Others Over, I was able to convince the NSCS E-board members to participate in this project. I was able to appeal to their common interests and build a rapport with them. I plan to also use this skill in advertising and building the overall attendance of the event. I used my strengths of input and communication to collect the necessary information and deliver it to the people that needed it most. It has given me the ability to discuss important details and properly express my ideas. My evidence shows how I kept all of the information organized to avoid confusion and to make it easy for the E-board members to understand. My zest and humor were my initial incentive for choosing the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event, because it is based around men walking women’s high heels. This will allow everyone to learn about a serious problem but remain positive and light in the process, making the event funny and enjoyable. It also embodies my value of fairness, as it literally uses the key phrase of being fair, spending time in someone else shoes”. This allows men to have a little insight into a woman’s daily life, and see from their perspective. I know some people may disagree or resist, but I will be there to change their minds and show them how important this project is.
SECTION 5 Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its application to leadership Outcome 104: Student will describe examples of giving and accepting feedback. Being a Member of the Theatre Company, Directing a One Act Target Class- HDF 190 Additional Experience-Being a Member of the Theatre Company, Directing a One Act I am a member of the International Thespian Society. In high school, I spent a lot of my time auditioning for plays and musicals. The law of theater I that it is 99% rejection. Not getting the role you desired was common. When that happened, you would go to the director at the end of the auditions and ask for a private meeting, in which she would discuss the things you needed to work on and why you did not get the part. This feedback would be used to improve my performance and my skills as an actor. If I did get the part, I received continuous feedback during rehearsals to improve the overall performance and to ensure that we were all at our best. There were times where I may have disagreed, but I knew that this feedback was meant to help me improve. It was not meant to hurt my feelings. In my junior year, I directed a one-act play called “In Facebook Wii Trust”. As the director, it was now my turn to give feedback. It was important that I was deliberate and meaningful with my feedback. I wanted to be sure that my actors knew What I was thinking so they could portray it properly on stage. Now that I have learned my strengths, I know that it was my Communication and my value of Perspective that allowed me to give effective feedback.