Science of Classifying & Naming Organisms Taxonomy Science of Classifying & Naming Organisms
Taxonomist scientist who practices the art of classifying organisms
Classification The grouping of objects or information based on similarities
Systems of Classification An historic view
1. Aristotle Greek Philosopher Developed the first method of classification Two Kingdom System I.e.: Plants and animals Did not show the natural relationships among organisms
Aristotle 5.Plants Trees Shrubs Herbs
Aristotle 6. Animals Air Land Water
Middle Ages 1.Scientists started using Latin for naming organisms 2. Why? Language of scholars, universal, dead
Middle Ages Examples: Canis = Felis = Equis =
Classmate Polynomials Develop a polynomial to describe yourself. You can use physical characteristics/traits, behavioral characteristics (things you do), interests. Your polynomial must contain 6+ words. Much to the dismay of Middle Age Scientists, I’ll let you write in English!
3. Carolus Linnaeus Binomial Nomenclature “Modern” system – every species has a two word Latin name Developed by Carolus Linneaus (Carl von Linne) ie. Genus + descriptive word
3. Carolus Linnaeus Binomial Nomenclature Scientific name = genus + descriptive word
3. Carolus Linnaeus Binomial Nomenclature Example #1 Homo sapiens Homo = sapiens =
3. Carolus Linnaeus Binomial Nomenclature Example #2 and #3 Quercus alba and Quercus rubra Quercus = alba = rubra =
Be Mindful! Other species may have the same descriptive term. ex. Betta rubra (red betta fish) Myrmica rubra (Common red ant)
Rules for Writing a Scientific Name Homo sapiens or Homo sapiens 1. Name is underlined or italicized 2. First word (genus) is capitalized, second word (descriptive) is lower-case 3. Abbreviation = H. sapiens or H. sapiens
Notable Names Abra cadabra (clam) Agra vation (caribid beetle…nothing aggravating @ it!) Dissup irae (hard to see fossil fly) Cyclocephala nodanotherwon (scarab beetle discovered by a scientist named Ratcliffe) Curiosities of Biological Nomenclature by Mark Isaak, on Edline
Biological Hierarchy of Classification for the Honey Bee Domain = Kingdom = Phylum = Class = Order = Family = Genus = Species =
Biological Hierarchy of Classification for a Human Being Domain = Kingdom = Phylum = Class = Order = Family = Genus = Species =
Mneumonic for Human Classification by Emily Theobald Every Adorable Cat Makes People Have Heart “Hattacks”!
Three Domain System of Classification Three domains- Archea, Bacteria and Eukarya Archea-archeabacteria Bacteria-Eubacteria Eukarya-”Eukaryotic” organisms-kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia Form of classification based on an evolutionary model comparing RNA found in cells & cell membrane structure
Three Domain Classification Scheme
Biological Hierarchy of Classification Domain= Kingdom = Phylum = agroup of closely related classes (called divisions in plants) Class = Order = Family = Genus = a group of closely related species Species = a group of organisms that can reproduce successfully with each other
How Relationships are Determined Four things: Similarities in structure DNA Behavior Evolutionary relationships
What is the complete classification of the following organisms: A. Fox B. Frog C. Squirrel D. Lion