History of Biological Taxonomy BIOL January 2016
Aristotle (right, with Plato) B.C. Extensive natural history observations 30 surviving mss. (of ~150) Genera and species (no binomial names, however) Many grouping terms survive to this day Exs: Coleoptera Diptera
Aristotle’s genera Five genera of vertebrates Mammals Birds Reptiles and amphibians Fishes Whales Five genera of invertebrates Cephalopods Crustaceans Insects and arachnids Shelled animals (mollusks, echinoderms, etc.) Zoophytes (cnidarians, bryozoans, etc.)
Natural Theology Taxonomy = "God's plan" in creation of living organisms Variety of classification schemes proposed Exs:Ray Linnaeus MacLeay
John Ray ( ) English naturalist Lectured at Cambridge Ordained Anglican priest Classification of plants based on total morphology First to recognize monocots vs. dicots Early user of binomial nomenclature
Polynomens Changed at will by earlier systematists Ex: Convolvulus folio Altheae Clusius 1576 Convolvulus argenteus Altheae folio Bauhin 1623 Convolvulus foliis ovatis divisis basi truncatus: laciniis intermediis duplo longioribus Linnaeus 1738 Convolvulus foliis palmatis cordatis sericeis: lobis repandis, pedunculis bifloris Linnaeus 1753
Carl Linne ( ) Swede Later Carl von Linne Preferred Carolus Linnaeus Medical study led to lifelong study of botany Excursions with students to collect plants Prolific taxonomic output
Linnaeus’ Species Plantarum (1753) Detailed descriptions with polynomials of 5900 plant spp. Binomials (nomen triviale) in margins
Blunt p. 249
Linnaeus’ Systema Naturae, 10 th ed. (1758) Animal and plant systematics Detailed descriptions Binomials only beginning with the 10th ed. in 1758 Published 12 editions total ( ) 1 st : 14 folio pp. 29 surviving copies 12 th : 3 volumes, 2300 octavo pp. Animals comprise one volume (824 pp.)
Systema Naturae, 1 st ed. (1735)
Systema Naturae, 10 th ed. (1758)
Winston Fig. 2.1 p. 27
KCOGS in Systema Naturae (10 th ed.) P and F added soon thereafter Linnaeus regarded genera and species as part of natural system Agnostic about higher levels
Linnaeus’ Classification of Plantae
Linnaeus’ Classification of Animalia
Linnaeus Assigned binomials to ca animals and 7700 plants Earlier use of binomials for some species in 1745, 1749, 1752 Botanists: 1753 is starting point of modern taxonomy Zoologists: 1758 is starting point
Linnaeus’ Modest Self-Assessment (from his autobiography) No one before him [=me] had pursued his profession with greater zeal and had more hearers; made more observations in natural history; had fuller insight into all the three kingdoms of Nature; been a greater botanist or zoologist; so well described the natural history of his own country—its flora, fauna and topography; written more books, more correctly, more methodically, from his own experience; so completely reformed a whole science and inaugurated a new era; sent out his disciples to so many parts of the world; written his name on more plants and insects, indeed on the whole of Nature; become more famous the whole world over… listed so many animals—yes, as many as all the others put together… been a member of more scientific societies [long list]…
Linnaeus’ Modest Self-Assessment (from his autobiography) God himself has led him with His own almighty hand; has caused him to sprout from a stump, transplanted him to a distant and lovely spot [presumably Sweden] and made him grow into a goodly tree; has inspired him with such an ardent enthusiasm for science that it became his greatest objective… provided him with the largest herbarium in the world, his greatest joy; preserved him from fire; let him live for more than sixty years…
Readings for Next Time Schuh & Brower:3-17 Winston:3-8; Additional:A & B A. On MacLeay's quinarian system of classification: pp. 101113 in Ospovat, D The Development of Darwin's Theory: Natural History, Natural Theology, and Natural Selection, 18381859. Cambridge University Press. B. On Linnaeus' system of classification: Stearn, W.T Appendix: Linnaean classification, nomenclature, and method. Pp. 242249 in Blunt, W The Compleat Naturalist: A Life of Linnaeus. William Collins, Sons & Company Limited, London.