Housing: an alternative vision Andy Hull Senior Research Fellow
Housing policy under the Coalition Cuts to capital spend Cuts to housing benefit Changes to social housing rent and tenure Localism
Need a story on housing that speaks to the whole population There is a housing crisis in the UK Housing policy needs a purpose Housing policy does not stand alone Housing politics
4 million additional households in England by 2025 England faces a shortfall of 750,000 homes by then Worst mismatches between demand and supply are in the Greater South East and North West Particular pressure on social housing Housing demand
Need to build 250,000 new homes each year Major barrier is finance Land is important Planning also has a part to play Housing supply
Use existing stock more effectively Be clear what social housing is for Housing use
PRS needs to offer a better alternative Housing Associations are at a crossroads Need a better offer for an ageing population Make room for the Big Society Community matters Housing management
A stable economy is better for everyone Volatility in the housing market contributes to instability in the economy as a whole We need to prevent housing bubbles This means pulling multiple policy levers Housing and the economy
Andy Hull Senior Research Fellow