6th Framework Programme Implementation of Priority 3 Dir G - DG Research Warszawa, 20go stycznia 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

6th Framework Programme Implementation of Priority 3 Dir G - DG Research Warszawa, 20go stycznia 2003

FP6 and Priority 3 Instruments Instruments to be used in P 3 Recommendations to the proposers

FP6: A changing role for EU Research Programmes Objective “Lisbon”: to become the most dynamic and most competitive knowledge-based economy within 10 years Objective “Göteborg”: sustainable development (environment, health, economy, employment) European Research Area (ERA): …Integrating, reinforcing, structuring… and stimulating investment in R&D (1,9% > 3,0%)... education, employment,enlargement

FP6: eight Priorities for the manufacturing industry

Budgets of the EU Framework Programmes

Sixth Framework Programme Commission proposal: 21 February 2001 Instrumental for implementation of the European Research Area (ERA) Proposed budget: EUR 17.5 billion = ~ 6% of the EU’s public (civilian) research budget Some figures:

Community RTD: the changing priorities

FOCUSING and INTEGRATING European research STRUCTURING the European Research Area STRENGTHENING the foundations of the European Research Area Concentration: on selected priority research areas Structuring effect: through a stronger link with national, regional and other European initiatives Coordination - Simplification BASIC PRINCIPLES Sixth Framework Programme - Main components -

Sixth Framework Programme

Sixth Framework Programme (EC)

Sixth Framework Programme

To support integrated research activities on nanotechnologies, materials, production processes, instruments, devices and applications for many sectors... Towards Knowledge-based Enterprises ! Thematic priority 3 € million

The specific programme, referring to priority 3, asks to concentrate on: i) Nanotechnology, as a flagship of the next industrial revolution ii)Multi-functional knowledge-based materials, as critical drivers of innovation iii)New production processes and devices, as the key to sustainable development

Transition towards knowledge-based society & sustainable development From resource-based to knowledge-based Promote real breakthroughs not incremental research Integrated approach covering production & consumption patterns Integration of education & skills development Overall approach and objectives

FP6 and Priority 3 Instruments Instruments to be used in P 3 Recommendations to the proposers

STREP Specific targeted research or innovation projects: :Specific targeted research projects: to improve competitiveness; need to be sharply focussed; either a RTD project (to gain knowledge) or a demonstration project (to prove the viability of new technologies which cannot be commercialised directly) :Specific targeted innovation projects: to test, validate and disseminate new innovation concepts and methods Specific research projects for SMEs Actions to promote and develop human resources and mobility Co-ordination actions Specific support actions

Instruments for SMEs Specific targeted research or innovation projects Specific research projects for SMEs :Co-operative research projects undertaken for the benefit of a number of SMEs on themes of common interest :Collective research projects carried out for industrial associations or industry groupings in sectors where SMEs are prominent Actions to promote and develop human resources and mobility Coordination actions Specific support actions

Human resources Specific targeted research or innovation projects Specific research projects for SMEs Actions to promote and develop human resources and mobility :To promote training, development of expertise or transfer of knowledge :To support actions undertaken by individuals, host structures (including training networks) and European research teams Coordination actions Specific support actions

Coordination actions Specific targeted research or innovation projects Specific research projects for SMEs Actions to promote and develop human resources and mobility Coordination actions :To support co-ordinated initiatives undertaken by a range of stakeholders involved in research and innovation (with the aim of improving integration) :Actions: conferences, meetings, studies, exchange of personnel, exchange of good practices, information systems, expert groups etc Specific support actions

Specific targeted research or innovation projects Specific research projects for SMEs Actions to promote and develop human resources and mobility Coordination actions Specific support actions :To complement FP6 implementation :To prepare future RTD activities (monitoring, assessment, etc) :Actions: conferences, meetings, studies, awards, information and communication activities, support of research infrastructures (e.g. feasibility studies) etc

FP6 and Priority 3 Instruments Instruments to be used in P 3 Recommendations to the proposers

… among Participants and funding bodies governments, contractors, industry, universities, research institutes, etc. … across Activities from basic research Support to SMEs Technology transfer to dissemination and training… … across Technical Areas Design, life-cycle aspects, Materials, Processes, Maintenance, repair, etc... Objectives Real breakthroughs, Support to Industry, Sustain. Development Integrated Projects in Priority 3 Clear and Quantified Deliverables and Integration... 50% EC Funds

Participants Wishing a Progressive and Lasting Integration of Research Capacities Joint Program of Activities (JPA) Ambitious and merging national or regional activities … to strengthen EU poles of excellence New Materials Nanotechnologies New technologies Objectives To assemble EU Research Capacities and strengthen S & T Excellence Advancing Knowledge and Integration... Networks of Excellence 100% EC Funds for Integration of resources

Co-ordination Actions (CA) - strengthen links between national, regional & EC RTD projects, co-ordination with EUREKA, COST & ESF Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) at frontiers of knowledge Specific Support Actions (SSA) - preparing future research activities, future scenarios, road-maps Other Instruments for Thematic Priority 3

 Within Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence where specific activities are carried out by and for the SMEs are encouraged  Via ad hoc activities (IP/SME)-designed for high-tech SMEs New opportunities are opening… …for SMEs

 The “INCO” countries – developing countries; mediterranean countries; newly independent states  Bi-lateral S/T agreements with, for example USA, Canada, China, Russia, Argentina, Chile and others  The Intelligent Manufacturing Systems initiative with Norway, Switzerland, USA, Japan, Australia and Korea … for activities to support education & development of new skills … for a broader international cooperation in the framework of…

Substantial SME participation SME with high R&D capacity are leading the project Probably smaller than “normal” IP’s Large companies can be present if SME so wish Results should clearly be for the benefit of SME’s Possible combination of EU-funding with Venture capital Integrated Project dedicated call for SMEs’

Launch 17 December 2002 Closing date: for the new instruments, March 6, 2003 (1st stage); June 26, 2003 (2nd stage). For other instruments, April 10 (single stage) Indicative budget: 400 M€ (of which 260 M€ for the new instruments) Priority areas: all, apart those opened for the joint call with priority 2 and for the SME dedicated call Priority 3 first call

Launch 17 December 2002 Closing date: new instruments April 24, 2003 (1st stage); Sept 16, 2003 (2nd stage). For other instruments, same dates (single stage) Indicative budget: 60 M€ (25 M€ + 35 M€ for priority 2 & 3 respectively; 45 M€ for IPs + NEs) Priority areas: “products and services engineering” “knowledge communities in production technologies” Instruments:IP, NE, CA, SSA Joint call of Priorities 2+3

Envisaged closing date: April 10, 2003 (1st stage); September 3, 2003 (2nd stage) Indicative budget available: 40 M€ Restriction to participation: Proposals should be clearly led by SMEs Priority areas to be addressed: Support to the development of new knowledge based added value products and services in traditional less RTD intensive industries Dedicated call for SMEs Integrated Projects

FP6 and Priority 3 Instruments Instruments to be used in P 3 Recommendations to the proposers

Recommendations (I) Integrated Projects (flagship) need full and multidimensional integration Networks of Excellence are supposed to lead to a lasting integration and be attractive to researchers (again, flagship projects) STREP on research at frontiers of knowledge CA to strengthen co-ordination of national activities Next call(s) to concentrate on priority areas and instruments, identified in the WP

Recommendations (II) For the new instruments, ensure critical mass, try to combine financial resources such as venture capital, EIB funds, national funding, etc. in addition to the EC funds; also include supporting modules for effective RTD actions, e.g. training, TT, support to spin-offs, IPR set-up, ethics, etc. Develop ambitious and consolidated plans of actions (as well as contingency plans) Ensure pragmatic management (e.g. board of management, permanent secretariat)

Do not forget ! Increased efforts towards research: the EU industrial sectors need it ! Coordinated efforts in research: to ensure synergies between EU + national actions Integrated efforts: Research without innovation is of no value SME’s are key partners! Concentrated efforts towards sustainable development and value-added knowledge-based enterprises

Information General information on research: General information on the Sixth Framework Programme : x_en.html Information on research programmes and projects : Information requests:

Directorate-General for Research Information and Communication Unit Phone Fax The End