Chapter 19: Violence, Terrorism and War Violence: Background and Statistics ◦ Defining violence ◦ Violence in the movies and media Terrorism: Background and Statistics ◦ Defining terrorism - What are the motivating factors behind terrorism? ◦ Ethical issues in facing and dealing with terrorism
Chapter 19: continued Pacifism Just War Theory ◦ Jus ad Bellum Proportionality Last resort Right intention
Chapter 19: continued ◦ Jus in Bello Proportionality Discrimination Non traditional military conflicts Weapons of Mass Destruction War Crimes and Universal Human Rights Torture
Chapter 19: continued Reading: What is a Terrorist? ◦ Defining terrorism ◦ Making the right distinctions ◦ Distinctions and democratic argument ◦ Terrorism and radical Islam
Chapter 19: continued Reading: The Triumph of Just War Theory ◦ The original function of just war theory ◦ Just war theory and the religious center ◦ Realism and just war theory ◦ Vietnam and the re-emergence of just war theory
Chapter 19: continued ◦ The first Gulf War and just war theory ◦ The moral triumph of just war theory ◦ Objections and replies