Technician’s list: DEMO: Bunsen burners; metal rods ( aluminium, brass, lead iron )with tucks attached at the ends by wax; high temperature thermometer; stop watch For Task 3: Thermocolour films, metal plates, wooden boards 21:55
Syllabus/Unit Code: Unit 2 I’m A Star Lesson number: 10 Lesson Title: Thermal Conduction and Insulation Learning OutcomesHow I didTargets Learning Outcome 1: G ive examples of thermal conductors and thermal insulators. Level 5 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by ……………………… ………………… Learning Outcome 2: D escribe an experiment to compare a range of thermal conductors. Level 6 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by ……………………… ………………… Learning Outcome 3: Explain why materials at the same temperature can feel warm or cool in terms of their thermal conductivity. Level 7 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by ……………………… ………………… Connector: Recall: Connect: Challenge:
21:55 Extended Learning Write a plan for an investigation to test which is a better insulator, a natural fibre like wool or artificial one like nylon. Include hypothesis, materials, variables, method and table of results. Include in your method how you will make the test fair. Due date: Next lesson Plan: Criteria Level 5: include all basic parts of a plan 2) level 6: More detailed method than level 5 3) level 7: very detailed explanation of how the test will be fair and include range of measurements+ diagram of experimental set-up
21:55 BIG picture What skills will you be developing this lesson? Scientific Investigation skills- by Research and Collecting Secondary data, Planning and Collecting primary data, Analysis and Evaluation. Numeracy- by using formulae in calculations Literacy- by writing well structured sentences and paragraphs ICT- by using Laptops and electronic resources Personal skills- team work, leadership Thinking and Learning skills- organisation, logic, participation, memory, exploration, creativity, judgement, planning, practice. Reflection- through self or peer assessment of each Learning Outcome Key Question: Quick Discussion: What do you already know? How is this lesson relevant to every day life?
21:55 Keywords: Conductor Insulator Conduction Insulation Here are some of the words we will be using this lesson… 1) Create sentences which use the keywords correctly. 2) Put your hand up if there is any key word from the list that you don’t know the meaning of.
21:55 New Information for Learning Outcome 1 Explore and Discover: Visual: watching the comparing metal demo Audio: listening and sharing in the discussion Kinaesthetic:handling and describing different materials
21:55 Learning Activities for Outcome 1 =relatedhttp:// =related Watch and explain what happens:
21:55 Learning Activities for Outcome 1 Task 1: Sort out these materials as thermal conductors or insulators: steel fibreglass Copper wire linoleum ceramics Aluminium or tin Plastic tubes
21:55 Create Evaluate Analyse Apply Understand Remember Apply (L5) Use Build Execute Develop Construct Identify Plan Select Solve Organise Apply Model Understand (L4) Explain what when where how Rephrase Demonstrate Summarise Contrast Show Predict Compare Clarify Illustrate Categorise Remember (L3) Who What When Where Why Which How Match Define List Choose Name Spell Tell Describe Analyse (L6) Take apart Compare Classify Examine List Distinguish Simplify Theme Conclude Motive Discover Evaluate (L7) Judge Justify Defend Decide Agree Value Prove Check Criticise Recommend Support Test Create (L8) Combine construct Develop Imagine Design Change Improve Discuss Create Invent Suppose Put together Make up Synthesise Demonstrate your Learning for Outcome 1 Keywords: Which task(s) will you choose to complete? Try to target a level higher than your current level.
21:55 Learning Outcome 1: Review Learning OutcomeHow I didTargets Learning Outcome 1: Thermal conductors and insulators Level 5 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by …………………… …………………… Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.
21:55 New Information for Learning Outcome 2 Explore and Discover: Visual: watching the comparing metal demo Audio: watching the comparing metal demo Kinaesthetic: writing and handling the materials
21:55 Learning Activities for Outcome 2 DEMO on Comparing thermal conductivity of some metals:DEMO on Comparing thermal conductivity of some metals: Materials: bunsen burner; sample metal rods; high temp. thermometers or heat sensorsMaterials: bunsen burner; sample metal rods; high temp. thermometers or heat sensorsObservations: AluminiumAluminium BrassBrass IronIron LeadLead Conclusion: Which is the better thermal conductor? Give evidence to your answer.
21:55 Learning Activities for Outcome 2 Another way thermal conductivity measurement: E&feature=related 0&feature=related TASK 2: Based on the demo and the video describe an experiment to compare a range thermal conductors.
21:55 Create Evaluate Analyse Apply Understand Remember Apply (L5) Use Build Execute Develop Construct Identify Plan Select Solve Organise Apply Model Understand (L4) Explain what when where how Rephrase Demonstrate Summarise Contrast Show Predict Compare Clarify Illustrate Categorise Remember (L3) Who What When Where Why Which How Match Define List Choose Name Spell Tell Describe Analyse (L6) Take apart Compare Classify Examine List Distinguish Simplify Theme Conclude Motive Discover Evaluate (L7) Judge Justify Defend Decide Agree Value Prove Check Criticise Recommend Support Test Create (L8) Combine construct Develop Imagine Design Change Improve Discuss Create Invent Suppose Put together Make up Synthesise Demonstrate your Learning for Outcome 2 Keywords: Which task(s) will you choose to complete? Try to target a level higher than your current level.
21:55 Learning Outcome 2: Review Learning OutcomeHow I didTargets Learning Outcome 2: measuring thermal conductivity. Level 6 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by …………………… …………………… Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.
21:55 New Information for Learning Outcome 3 Explore and Discover: Visual: observing the slides Audio: listening and sharing ideas in the discussion Kinaesthetic: handling the thermocolour film
21:55 Learning Activities for Outcome 3 Feel the metal ruler and the plastic ruler that both came from the refrigerator. Which one feels colder? Why? The metal ruler feels colder because it is absorbing more heat from our fingers than the plastic ruler. Metal is a better thermal conductor than plastic.
21:55 Learning Activities for Outcome 3 1.Now, using thermocolour film, press your hand on the film, what did you notice? 2. Put the film on top of a metal plate and press your hand on the film; then remove your hand and observe. What did you notice? 3. Next put the film on top of a wooden board or on top of your table and press your hand; then remove your hand and observe. What did you notice? Compare to what happened when the film is on top of a metal plate. Infra-red cameras take better images of objects with different temperature: Observe the video, which part of the body has high temperature: elated
21:55 Learning Activities for Outcome 3 TASK 3: Showing your own understanding, explain why different objects feel warm or cool even if they have the same temperature. Use the concept of thermal conductivity in your explanation.
21:55 Create Evaluate Analyse Apply Understand Remember Apply (L5) Use Build Execute Develop Construct Identify Plan Select Solve Organise Apply Model Understand (L4) Explain what when where how Rephrase Demonstrate Summarise Contrast Show Predict Compare Clarify Illustrate Categorise Remember (L3) Who What When Where Why Which How Match Define List Choose Name Spell Tell Describe Analyse (L6) Take apart Compare Classify Examine List Distinguish Simplify Theme Conclude Motive Discover Evaluate (L7) Judge Justify Defend Decide Agree Value Prove Check Criticise Recommend Support Test Create (L8) Combine construct Develop Imagine Design Change Improve Discuss Create Invent Suppose Put together Make up Synthesise Demonstrate your Learning for Outcome 3 Keywords: Which task(s) will you choose to complete? Try to target a level higher than your current level.
21:55 Learning Outcome 3: Review Learning OutcomesHow I didTargets Learning Outcome 3: Thermal conductivity Level 7 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by …………………… …………………… Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.
21:55 Review Swap books with the person next to you and look over their work. Write a WWW and EBI statement. Stand up if you have developed some skills this lesson? What are they? Tell the person next to you three things you have learnt this lesson. Did you successfully complete tasks at your target level? If not, what do you need to do next in order to meet your target level? Record this in your diary to be done as part of your extended learning at home. Is there any part of the lesson you think you need to go over again next lesson? How will you remember what you have learned today for your exam?