Sara Suckstorff 6E Homeroom 6D and 6E Math and Science CRESTWOOD CURRICULUM NIGHT WELCOME TO THE SCHOOL YEAR!
Moved to Toronto from North Carolina this summer. Taught 6 th grade math and science for 7 years at an International Baccalaureate middle school in Charlotte, NC. Grew up in metro-Detroit Michigan. I attended the University of Michigan where I earned a bachelor’s degree in Education. In 2014 I earned a master’s degree in Education from Michigan State University. I work very hard to make math and science fun, interactive, “real world”, and appropriately challenging for each student. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME
YOUR GRADE 6 TEAM Patti Hektor - Principal, Grades 4-7 Sara Suckstorff - Math & Science Mike Levinsky – English Dani Seligman – Social Studies Luke Connors - Computers David Cooper/Kevin Greenacre - Physical Education (including health) Anya Romanenko - Art Linda Liougas - French Kathleen Davies - Music Lara Bafaro – Library We all work closely together to ensure success for your student.
8:20 – 8:50: Arrival, drop items off at classroom and locker, and go to morning recess. 8:50 – 9:00: Come in from recess, get materials from locker for the first two classes, arrive in classroom. 9:00: Canadian National Anthem plays and classes begin. 5 hours of classes each day. One 20 minute morning recess at 11:00, 30 minutes for lunch at 12:20, and 30 minutes for lunch recess at 12:50. The last class ends at 3:20. 3:20-3:30: Students go to lockers, pack up, get organized for the evening, and get their agendas signed by Miss Suckstorff. 3:30: Dismissal begins. 3:50: Remaining student go to aftercare. YOUR CHILD’S DAY AT CRESTWOOD
Absences: Please call or the office. Early student pick up: Please let the school know in advance when possible. Please go into the main office and ask Grace of Michele to page your child. We ask that you are respectful of classes that are in session. Parking: Numbered spaces are for teachers and staff. Visitor parking is clearly marked by the junior field. If that is full, use the Glendon lot and buy a ticket. In the mornings and afternoons, your students should be getting into the habit of walking to the classroom on their own and using their lockers independently. Aftercare: at 4pm the playground is used by aftercare. We ask that children who are not part of that program please leave the playground at this time. Children who are not part of the aftercare program must be supervised by their parent at all times. The aftercare phone number is (647) PICK UP AND DROP OFF
Clarification: 6E students can wear their gym uniforms to school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. They will change into their regular uniform during lunch/recess on those days. GYM UNIFORMS
Homework is assigned nightly to reinforce and extend classroom learning. Never meant to frustrate, trick, or demoralize. In total, student should have minutes a night. Students should be reading nightly. All homework should be written in the agenda by the student (more on the agenda on the next slide). Homework will never be assigned on a Friday to be due the following Monday. Tests are never given a day after a holiday, PD day, or weekend. All tests will be announced a least a week ahead of time, with plenty of class time and study guides devoted to review. HOMEWORK AND TESTS
Used daily by students to record homework, tests, quizzes, due dates, important announcements, etc. It is intended to provide another means of communication between home and school. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain. This will be initialed by Ms. Suckstorff at the end of each day. Parents, please check it and sign your student’s agenda each night. AGENDA
Edsby is an online learning system for Crestwood. It allows teachers to distribute learning materials, lessons, and notes to students. It allows students to collaborate on projects and assignments with each other, keep track of their homework and tests and see when their team has practices and games. Edsby allows parents to keep track of their child’s homework, assignments, tests and team games and practices. Questions? Mr. Luke Connors will be in the library to help. His is EDSBY
A place where I will update homework nightly, share curriculum information, and communicate Crestwood notices. No password needed—anyone can access the site. This link is in my signature and I will also share it on Edsby. MY CLASSROOM WEBSITE
To support your child by ensuring homework is completed to the best of his or her ability, helping him or her review for tests or quizzes, practicing math facts, reading together, etc. To sign the homework agenda nightly To ensure your student comes dressed in the proper uniform. To contact us if you have any questions or concerns, or if something significant has happened outside of school that would be beneficial for us to know. WHAT WE ASK OF THE PARENTS
I urge students with questions or needing extra help to ask for it at any time. I am available most mornings from 8:20 to 8:50, but please me in advance that you will be coming. I am also available most afternoons from 3:30 to 4:00, but again please me in advance that your student will be staying. If I see that your student is struggling, I will contact you individually to request that your child gets extra help with me. If you see the same at home, please contact me. I AM ALWAYS HERE FOR HELP
Fire drill and Lockdown procedures follow the recommendations from the Ministry of Education and the Metro Toronto Police Department. Both are practiced at school. Student with EpiPens: Mandatory that your student carries it on him or her at all times. Please give an extra one to the office and ensure the EpiPen is within the expiry date. Crestwood is nut-free everything. Please note that peanut-free is not necessarily nut free. STUDENT SAFETY
BIRTHDAYS AND FOOD Birthdays: If the party is made public, or invites are passed out in school, all girls or boys in the class must be invited. School celebration can be at lunch only (12:20). Parents can bring a treat, but the food MUST be from a nut-free bakery (a list is included in your packet of information). No food from home or other stores will be served.
SEPTEMBER UPCOMING DATES Friday, September 18 th : First Pizza Lunch and House Colour Day Thursday, September 24 th : Welcome Back BBQ, 5:30 PM Tuesday, September 29 th : Toonie Tuesday Wednesday, September 30 th : Terry Fox Run, 2 PM
BEFORE I GET INTO CURRICULUM… Specialty teachers are in the computer lab for you to visit before you leave tonight. Mr. Levinsky, Grade 6 English, will present his information to you next. If you’d like to meet privately with me, please me the dates and times you are available: