Converting hands into inches Week 4 blog post
Step one; find number of hands Say you wanted to measure a horse. If this was the case, you would need to measure it in hands, as this is what the measurement of “hands” is used for. Ex; you have a horse that is 15 hands.
Step 2; convert If you had a horse that was 15 hands and you wanted to find it’s height in inches you simply have to multiply the number of hands by four, as a hand is equal to four inches. Ex; 15 X 4= 60 A 15 hand horse is equal to 60 inches.
Step 3; what to do if you don’t have a nice round number. In the examples before, I was simply using the number 15. Most horses are not an exact number of hands. For example, you might have a horse that is 15.2 hands. If this is the case, you must do as before and add the.(X) afterwards. Ex; 15.2 hands = (15 X 4) + 2= = 62 inches. A horse that is 15.2 hands is 62 inches.