F ULL D AY K INDERGARTEN Cheshire Public Schools Feasibility Task Force Meeting June 18, 2013
A GENDA Welcome Review Last Meeting Why Full Day Kindergarten? Purpose of the Task Force Enrollment and Space Issues Option #1 – Reorganization Chart #1 Reorganization Chart #2 Group Work – Other Options Share Plan Next Meeting
P URPOSE OF F EASIBILITY T ASK F ORCE To explore various methods/strategies for implementing full day kindergarten in the Cheshire Public Schools.
K INDERGARTEN E NROLLMENT IN C HESHIRE Anticipated Enrollment Class Size Budg# A.I. Total – 2014 = * = 253 Full Day Classrooms Needed = – 2015 = * = 279 Full Day Classrooms Needed = – 2016 = * = 272 Full Day Classrooms Needed = (*Saint Bridget’s Factor)
C LASSROOM S PACE A VAILABILITY Darcey9existing classrooms Norton3reduce L.R./SPED spaces Doolittle1reduce L.R./SPED space Highland3reduce L.R./SPED spaces Chapman 32 open/reduce LST space Total19
C LASSROOM S PACE A VAILABILITY /C APACITY E STIMATED TOTAL – DRAFT Darcey -K9 Birth to 33 Pre-school3 Norton25 Doolittle30 Highland41 Chapman 18______________________ Total
O PTION #1 – Darcey -K8 or 9 Birth to 33 Pre-school3 Classrooms 1- 6 K Total Darcey Norton (25)21 2 /3 23 /24 Doolittle (30) / 5 Highland (41) Chapman (18)15 2_____ 17________________ Total
O PTION #1 S UMMARY All Day Kindergarten in CPS: Norton K – 6 Chapman K – 6 Highland K – 6 (4 K classes at Darcey 4 at Highland) Doolittle 1 – 6 (4/5 K classes at Darcey) Darcey – Kindergarten for Highland and Doolittle
P ARTNER W ORK Review the enrollment pages with a partner. K – 6 Class Size Charts Reorganization #1 (Highland/Norton; Doolittle/Chapman) Reorganization #2 (Highland/Chapman; Doolittle/Norton) Are there other options that we should consider?
R EORGANIZATION # Highland/NortonDoolittle/ Chapman K Highland /NortonDoolittle/Chapman K & Highland/NortonDoolittle/Chapman K-22721
C LASSROOM S PACE A VAILABILITY /C APACITY E STIMATED TOTAL – DRAFT W ITHOUT D ARCEY Highland41 Norton25 Doolittle30 Chapman 18______________________ Total114 Where would the preschool and birth to 3 programs be housed?
R EORGANIZATION # Highland/ChapmanDoolittle/ Norton K Highland /ChapmanDoolittle/Norton K & Highland/ChapmanDoolittle/Norton K Highland/ChapmanDoolittle/Norton K-11715
C LASSROOM S PACE A VAILABILITY /C APACITY E STIMATED TOTAL – DRAFT W ITHOUT D ARCEY Highland41 Chapman 18 Doolittle30 Norton25 ______________________ Total114 Where would the preschool and birth to 3 programs be housed?
P ARTNER S HARE AT T ABLES Share ideas with your table. Decide on the best option(s) for consideration by the entire group.
W HOLE G ROUP S HARE Each table with share options for the group to consider.
T HANK Y OU AND N EXT S TEPS Summer: I will research the feasibility of each option. Think about ideas for gathering support and getting the word out about the need for All Day K. September Meeting ( Tuesday, September 17 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.): Review Findings and Develop a Plan to present to the Curriculum Committee of the Board of Education in October/November.