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What are States Rights? *Power of the states to nullify laws of the federal government if power is being abused *+Ultimately limits federal government power *-Does State Rights lead to break-up of union or to the possibility of the federal government power ceasing to exist?
Was the South right in seceding? Yes or no? Political EconomicSocial 1 point 2 point 3 point 1 point 2 point 3 point 1 point 2 point 3 point 1 point 2 point 3 point 1 point 2 point 3 point 1 point 2 point 3 point
Political Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions- 537; 296 Nullify “sovereign and independent” Right to obey if government exceeded power given to president Alien and Seditions Acts-text Central government abused its power Republican party looks to states to preserve freedom Gave president more power to attack freedom of speech Hartford Convention States argue that they voluntarily joined the union States argued it is a contract among independent states 10 th Amendment- text 537 Fugitive Slave Law War of protective tariff
Political already proven that the Articles of Confederation (that which gave the states most of the power) does not work Shay’s Rebellion South Carolina had ratified the U.S. Constitution, a document that disallowed such an act of secession, gets its power FROM THE PEOPLE, not the states.
Economic Nullification Crisis and the Tariff of Abominations 432 Agricultural income was enough to sustain the South The National Banks benefit to Northern states demonstrated that the states were better suited to handle banking matters. Slavery was essential to productivity and profit
Economic War of Force Americans to buy American made products, consequently enhancing American economy. Text pg Without the territories, the South stood to lose potential states that are open to slavery Barbary Coast Pirates – demonstrated the need for a strong national naval force to protect American interests aboard. Since the North was invading, the South stood to lose more in terms of physical structures. We know now the economic impact of the war on the South’s infrastructure.
Social John Locke always said it is up to the people to take the power away from unfit rulers (Washington government) Southern culture and way of life was drastically different for that of the North; feelings of sectionalism
Social Abolitionist feelings of slavery USA needed a strong National identity. Secession would have ruined that. Only the richest people, especially the cottonocracy, benefit from the social structure and the Southern way of life.