Mini Saga An extremely short story. They have a middle, a beginning and an end with 50 words, no more, no less
“A Life “ By Jane Rosenberg From “A Whole New Mind” Daniel Pink Joey, third of five, left home at sixteen, travelled the country and wound up in Nottingham with a wife and kids. They do shifts, the kids play out and ends never meet. Sometimes he’d give anything to walk away but he knows she’s only got a year, and she doesn’t.
“A Dream So Real “ By Patrick Forsyth From “A Whole New Mind” Daniel Pink Staying overnight with friends, his sleep was disturbed by a vivid dream: a thief broke in, stole everything in the flat- then carefully replaced every single item withan exact replica. “It felt so real,” he told his friends in the morning. Horrified, uncomprehending, they replied, “But who are you?”
Task You will select a place and photograph it in high depth of field (high aperture). Through your imagination, you will create a “mini saga” about this place or something that may have occurred there. You will apply the technical components such as depth and proper lighting similarly to Atget et. al.
Ansel Adams
Alvin Coburn
Eugene Atget
Student Work