DEVELOPING ADULT SAFEGUARDING ON THE ISLE OF MAN 9 th December, 2013 Barrool Suite, Douglas noon – 4.30 p.m.
Introduction Hon. C. Robertshaw, M.H.K. Minister Department of Social Care Guest Speaker Mr. Paul Burnett Independent Chair Safeguarding Adults Board Leicestershire and Rutland
Securing Safeguarding for Adults A presentation to the Isle of Man Paul Burnett Independent Chair of Safeguarding Adults Board Leicestershire, Rutland and Nottingham City
Presentation Outline Safeguarding is everyone’s business The changing context in England Key facets of an effective Safeguarding Adults Board Key points for consideration Discussion
Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business Effective safeguarding relies on:- Quality service provision, from all individual agencies, which is underpinned by effective safeguarding practice Effective collaboration and co-ordination between these services – supported by robust partnership working at strategic and operational levels
Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business (2) Community leaders need to scrutinise and challenge both individual agencies and collective performance to secure assurance that adults are safe wherever they are on the Isle of Man. An effective Safeguarding Adults Board can be the mechanism through which you achieve this.
Safeguarding Adults Partnership The Changing Context in England Currently most local authorities choose to operate Safeguarding Adult Boards (SABs) based on guidance in ‘No Secrets’ (DoH 2000) The Care Bill proposes that SABs become a statutory body. Underpinning both is the importance of collaboration and coherence in protecting adults. Statutory status underlines importance.
Key Facets of Effective Boards A VISION FOR ADULT SAFEGUARDING People are able to live a life free from harm where communities:- Have a culture that does not tolerate abuse Work together to prevent abuse Know what to do when abuse happens (ADASS 2013)
Top Ten Tips (Based on ADASS Advice 2013) 1.Chair with independence, knowledge and skill to challenge, lead and hold Board members to account 2.Board membership inclusive of all key agencies represented by senior leaders able to take decisions, commit resources and influence their organisations 3.Board has the capacity to plan and carry out its strategy and objectives 4. Board has a quality assurance and performance framework to measure its impact and hold members to account
5.Build mechanisms to share data and intelligence 6.Use self ‐ assessment tools to audit your Board and plan how to fill gaps 7.Hold development sessions to keep members up to date and encourage joint working 8. Find ways for the Board to hear from and respond to people who have been through safeguarding 9.Test if risk management is proportionate and co- ordinated. 10. Develop and deliver a communications strategy
Facet 1: Board Effectiveness
Facet 2: Safeguarding Frameworks
Facet 3: Quality Assurance and Performance Management
Quality Assurance and Performance Framework
Facet 4: Current Safeguarding Issues
Key Points for Consideration Is the Isle of Man seeking improvements in its performance in safeguarding adults? Is a Safeguarding Adults Board model one that would impact positively on individual and multi-agency safeguarding effectiveness? Who would be the key agencies to engage in developing your model? How do you want to take matters forward?
Questions and Answers
OPENING SESSION Outcome: A model for the development of adult safeguarding supported by all stakeholders Key actions, with milestones and responsibilities to take this forward Reported to Social Policy and Children’s Committee
Safeguarding Adults Partnership WORKSHOP
SESSION ONE What do we want the Safeguarding Adults Partnership to deliver?
SESSION TWO Who should be involved? What needs to be put into place? How will we deliver this? How will we measure success? What will the governance arrangements be?
Next Steps