7 Day Self Assessment Tool (7DSAT) This user guide relates to the existing online version of the 7DSAT. Please Note: Slides 2,3,& 4 contain important details to support you in establishing a baseline of the seven day services clinical standards in acute care A new version of the incorporating changes will be available on the 7 th August
Establishing a baseline of the seven day services clinical standards in acute care Case Note Review Within Standards 2 & 8 there will be questions asking if a case note review has been completed. These questions will be live in the for a period of 4 weekswww.7daysat.nhs.uk 7 th August – 4 th September You can see an example of how this will here. The case note review proforma is available from within the 7DSAT for clinical standards 2 & 8.
Establishing a baseline of the seven day services clinical standards in acute care Questions that are required to complete the baseline will appear in red if they are incomplete once the record has been saved. The page will still be saved with the missing data. However, to approve the record for the NHS England baseline all the required sections will need to be completed between the 7th August – 4th September The NHS England baseline approval will be introduced into the 7DSAT tool following the 7th August, however data entered in to the tool before this date can still be included once the baseline record approval comes online.
Establishing a baseline of the seven day services clinical standards in acute care The 4 priority clinical standards will be identified by a purple colour. Once all sections required for the baseline are completed saved. the standards will turn to a lighter shade of purple to indicate that this section has all the required question parts answered.
7 Day Self Assessment Tool (7DSAT) User Guide v7 (June 2015)
Registering for the Tool
Go to And click the register button. For security reasons the registration page will not work from a bookmarked page. It must be accessed by clicking this button for it to work.
Fill in all the relevant details about yourself Fill in all the relevant details about your organisation. First selecting the type of organisation which will then load sub lists relevant to your selection. Select User Permission type. This will display messages describing what the responsibilty of each role entails. For more informations see slides 6-8.
Registration on the 7 day Self Assessment Tool depends upon: A valid NHS address being provided. Identification of the relevant organisation. You will be registered to enter or approve data for this organisation only. Once this is received you will receive your password via . It is anticipated that approval will be granted within 48 hours of notification. Any queries, please contact NATCANSAT Helpdesk on: or
Different User Types
Approver User Type: After registration the 'approver' will receive a password to log into the 7daysat website. The 'approver' password should be retained and used only by the person registered in this role. The 'approver' log-in grants access to the tool, whilst also giving permissions to access the approval functionality (via an additional button on the welcome page tab). Once the data entry has been completed, the 'approver' should review the inputs and, once satisfied, approve the record (following the procedure outlined in slide 19-20). The first record will act as a baseline and can be approved at any time. Subsequent records can be approved on a quarterly basis from this first record’s approval date. The subsequent records can only be approved two weeks prior to this quarterly date. This will ensure strict quarterly records are kept and a large number of records are not created for a short period of time. The ‘approver’ also receives alerts that new potential ‘data submitters’ have registered. If the ‘approver’ wishes the person they have been alerted about to be a ‘data submitter’ then they should log into the tool and on the welcome page they should click the user administration button. On this administration page the ‘approver’ can grant access to registered users for data submission purposes.
Data Submitter User Type: After registration the ‘data submitter’ will be ed confirmation of their registration, this will also go to the ‘approver’ of the same organisation. Once the ‘approver’ logs in to the tool and grants access to the ‘data submitter’ (via the ‘user administration’ button on the welcome page) then the ‘data submitter’ will receive another informing them of the ‘data submitter’ password. This will enable data to be entered and to be saved but will not allow data to be approved using the approver button on the welcome screen. This button will be hidden from the ‘data submitter’.
Logging into the Tool
Select your Organisation Type and Trust from the drop down list. A list of Hospital Sites will appear, select the relevant site. Enter your password and Click Log In There are two user types per organisation, an ‘approver’ user type and ‘data submitter’ user type. Each ‘role’ is associated with a different password. The ‘data submitters’ are all appropriate users at the site who can enter self assessment data about their particular work area or department. The ‘approver’ one is for data to be approved on a quarterly basis, this user type can enter data as well but they also have the responsibility of reviewing and signing off all of the data that has been entered for their site. If you are having trouble logging in, please contact NATCANSAT on: or
Once you are logged in the welcome navigation screen is the first screen you will come to. Here the user administration button can be found. Click this to: Change your name, address, job role or telephone number. If you are a Data Approver you can also: Grant ‘data submitter’ access to a registered user Transfer your ‘approver’ rights over to another user (this will remove your ‘approver’ status and leave you as a ‘data submitter’ only).
The top section on the user administration screen allows you to view all registered users of the 7daysat tool for your own organisation. By selecting a user from the left box and clicking the button, the user selected will be granted ‘data submitter’ access and they will also be ed the password to log into the tool as a ‘data submitter’. The list on the right hand side shows all registered users who have been granted ‘data submitter access’. By selecting a user and clicking this button, the user selected will be removed from the ‘data submitter’ list and their access to the tool will be revoked. The user will be ed to let them know this has happened.
Once you have logged in you will see a Welcome Screen The National Clinical Standards self-assessment will help you find out where you are and how you are progressing towards the national clinical standards. The whole system self-assessment opens questions 1-39 which will help you see where you are and how you are progressing with the commissioning of safe integrated services 7 days a week.
Within the whole system self-assessment is the Levels of Service Provision tab which gives a description of each of the levels.
Within each page of the National Clinical Standards self- assessment, the Clinical Standards are available to download
There are various types of responses allowed in the tool Drop-down fields allow you only to select from a defined list. Radio buttons allow you only to select one answer Depending on the response to the previous question, additional questions may appear underneath. Text boxes allow you to type in comments. As you type, they display the number of remaining characters left in blue font.
Saving Data
You can work through the questions by either selecting the next question tab, the arrow button, or the Next button at the bottom of the page. Each of these automatically saves your responses. You can also click Save. Question Tab Arrow Button Save and Next Question Button
If you click a different top Tab button, after amending data, you will receive a warning where you can choose whether or not to leave the page without saving changes. If you have made changes to a page and try to navigate to a different section of the toolkit using, for example, the return to home screen button then a warning appears on screen indicating that you will lose the unsaved changes.
Approval of Record
To ‘Approve’ your record, on the welcome screen click here to access your records page
Your first record will act as a baseline for your organisation. This can be approved (by the ‘data approver’ user) at any time once you are happy with all sections of your data. After this first approved record, the next record will be active and data can be saved to it immediately. The next record will however not be able to be approved until 1 month has passed since the previous record approval To ‘Approve’ your record. Click Approve Selected Record. The selected record is the record highlighted in yellow The Approve record button is only visible for data approver users. They will receive messages about the status of their record above this button. Please Note: This user guide is for the current online 7daysat tool and will soon be amended to incorporate the required changes for establishing a baseline of the seven day services clinical standards in acute care.
Clinical Standards Dashboard
Click here to view the Clinical Standards Dashboard
2) Select the specialty you wish to view, and this will be passed through to all reports you select. 1) Click here to return to the main 7 Day SAT navigation page. 5) Move your mouse over the number to see the full question text. 6) Move your mouse over the arrow to see the question this response relates to 8) The arrow indicators show whether your response for that question has increased, decreased or remained the same for that question. 3) Click on the numbered report button to show the detailed report. 9) A black dash will appear if you only have one approved record, or if a previously approved record has no response (or a ‘Don’t Know’) for that question part. 4) A few question parts (5.1, 6.2,9.1) will not have a response or indicator next to them because there are multiple services that can be selected. 7) Moving your mouse over the blue writing shows you the standard description. Clicking on it takes you to the questions.
1) Amend your contact details here 2) Click to Log Out 6) Your sites NHS Organisation Code 3) Data Approvers can set the sites ‘Comparator group’ by clicking here. Data submitters have ‘read only’ access. 4) Return to the Clinical Standards Reports. 15) Your sites response is highlighted in blue. 14) Other sites responses are highlighted in grey. 13) The red line indicates the national average for your organisation type, and the speciality you have selected. 11) The total number of approved records for this question (for your organisation type only). 9) It is optional to select your own level of ambition from the drop down list. This will be displayed on the chart and on your selected export (see 12 below) but will not be saved. 12) The green dot shows the % level of ambition you have set (see 9 above). 10) Click this button each time you change the filters at the top to refresh the report. 5) Return to the main navigation home screen. 8) Setting this variable to ‘On’ filters the report to only include those sites included within your ‘Comparator Group’ (see 3 above) 7) You can export your charts by selecting the output format in the drop down list.
5) This shows the filters that you have selected at the top for when you print/export the report. 6) The date when this report was run. 2) The green line shows the % level of ambition you have set (see 9 on previous page). 3) The red line shows the National Average for your organisation type and specialty selected. 4) The dates of the approved records for your site. 1) Your sites approved record. 7) The date when the data was last processed. 9) To bring up the help page describing the report click here. 8) The date when the data for your site was last approved.
2) Click on the Tools button (or press Alt and X). 1) If the reports do not appear here and you only see the filters at the top of the screen, then you need to add the site to your compatibility view settings. 3) Select “Compatibility View Settings” from the menu. 4) Select “Compatibility View Settings” from the menu, which brings up the popup screen below. Click “Add” then “Close”. The reports should now appear.
7 Day Self Assessment Tool Produced by: National Clinical Analysis and Specialised Applications Team (NATCANSAT) Website: Helpdesk: In conjunction with: NHS Improving Quality Website: