Pay day loans and our clients Karen Dyson Training, Social Policy & Equalities Manager Manchester CAB Service
Charity Almost 75 years old Key facts
Charity Almost 75 years old 350 CABx services, 3,500 venues Helped two million people …. ….. Plus 11 million visits to Adviceguide Key facts
Manchester enquiry areas from April 2013
Multiple impacts…..
PRIORITY Non-priority
Customer charter says….. If you are having problems repaying your loan, we will: Deal with cases of financial difficulty sympathetically and positively and do what we can to help you manage what you owe. Freeze interest and charges if you make repayments under a reasonable repayment plan or after a maximum of 60 days of non- payment.
Citizens Advice Survey Found…. 12 our of 14 charter promises broken Irresponsible lending Inadequate checks on borrowers Taking more than owed Misuse of Continuous Payment Authorities Harassment Refusal to agree to repayment plans 75% Ombudsman cases
Creditor harassment Contact clients several times a day Visits to home Phone calls at work Implying they have powers greater than they do have, e.g. repossessing goods, using bailiffs, arrest, imprisonment Abusive or threatening language Demanding immediate payment
We had to change the phone number. I have cancer – suffered stroke because of harassment. Wife also suffered stroke…… I am scared of them. I have a son now and don’t want him to be taken away. I am now working and need help to pay them but I owe so much from when I was young and silly I am scared I won’t get free from debt until the day I die Nottingham CAB
When young people are in debt, their blood pressure rises and they have poorer general and mental health. University of Illinois People with mental illness, psychosis, and alcohol and drug dependency were more likely to be in debt before their illness started. Royal College of General Practitioners
People who face problems paying their unsecured debts, are more likely to suffer anxiety and say that they are experiencing adverse effects on their feelings and emotions - including feeling constantly under strain, hopeless and incapable of decision-making University of Nottingham Dealing with poverty stresses the brain so much it’s like losing 13 points off your IQ University of Warwick Study reported in Science Today
‘I have to cut down on basic living expenses as it is. I stay in bed to keep warm, especially in winter as I can’t afford to put heating on. The bleakness of this week to week is having impact on my mental/physical health. I’m trying to find somewhere else to live, but so far have not been able to find anywhere affordable in this area. I have had to get occasional food parcels from food and support drop in service.’ Respondent to our housing benefit survey
‘Yes I have gone without food, electricity is practically impossible, and as for gas I can not use it at all cannot afford it, so it can be quite cold - thank god it is still summer time. I am now in serious trouble over rent arrears. My kids know I am really worried and have had to tell them we may end up homeless, so the stress is really bad right now, for not only me but my whole family. I honestly do not know what to do.’ Respondent to our sanctions survey
What can we do? Less worried / stressed80% Healthier50% Better off/had more money45% Getting on better with family50% More confident about dealing with a similar issue in the future 70% After receiving advice, our clients were
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