CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. READY TO TEACH SM EDI ® Lessons ©2013 All rights reserved. We will form 1 and use regular and irregular verbs. What are we going to do? What does form mean? Form means ___________. CFU Students, you already know that verbs are the action in a sentence. We will form and use these verbs in the past tense, noting how they can be regular or irregular. Make Connection Learning Objective 1 make Vocabulary A verb is a word that shows action. Activate Prior Knowledge 1. Identify the verb in the sentence. (underline) The dogs bark at the mailman. 2. Identify the verb in the sentence. (underline) My sisters walk to the store. Name
CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. ©2013 All rights reserved. CFU 2 A verb in the past tense shows an action that has already happened. To use the past tense verb in a sentence correctly, identify clue words. A regular verb in the past tense ends in -ed. An irregular verb forms the past tense without adding -ed. CFU 1 Explain why the regular verb cook changes to cooked in the past tense. It changes to cooked because __________. Explain why the regular verb bake changes to baked in the past tense. It changes to baked because______________. Which pair of words are regular verbs? How do you know? A talk, talked B drink, drank Which pair of words are irregular verbs? How do you know? A walk, walked B draw, drew What is the difference between a regular verb and an irregular verb? The difference between a regular and an irregular verb is ___. Tense Change Irregular Verb Past Tense Form Example Change the vowel riderodeI rode my bike to school earlier. Add/change final letter to (t) buildbuilt Gabriel built a sand castle last week. Go to Skill Dev 1 Go to Skill Dev 2 Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Concept Development Tense Change Regular Verb Past Tense Form Example Add –ed jumpjumped Jill jumped in the pool last night. If ends in e, add –d skateskated Jason skated to the park yesterday. Past tense Clue Words before, yesterday, last, earlier, in the past
CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. ©2013 All rights reserved. Read the present and past tense verbs. Identify 2 the change to the verb in the past tense. (underline) Determine 3 the type of verb. (underline) Hint: Use the regular/irregular verb table. Read the sentences. Hint: Underline past tense clue words. Use the correct verb tense in each sentence. (write) Read the sentences one more time. Form and use regular and irregular verbs. 1 a b 2 a b Skill Development/Guided Practice 1 Regular VerbsIrregular Verbs add –ed jump/jumped if ends in e, add –d skate/skated the vowel changes ride/rode final letter to a –t build/built 1. remind / reminded The verb is regular/irregular. I always ________ my sister to lock the doors. Mom ___________ us to lock the doors last night. 2. brush / brushed The verb is regular/irregular. My sister ______________her hair before the picture. I ___________ my hair every morning. 3. provide / provided The verb is regular/irregular. The rivers __________more water last spring. The rivers ____________mountain water to the valley. 4. argue / argued The verb is regular/irregular. Citizens ______about the best way to save water. The senators ________ yesterday about water use. A regular verb in the past tense ends in -ed. An irregular verb forms the past tense without adding -ed. add cheer bake bump Write a sentence changing one of these regular verbs to the past tense. T: _________________________________________________________ S: _________________________________________________________ Back to Concept Dev Past tense Clue Words before, yesterday, last, earlier, in the past How did I/you identify the change in the verb in the past tense? How did I/you determine the type of verb? How did I/you use the correct verb in each sentence? CFU 1b 1a 2a 2 find 3 figure out Vocabulary
CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. ©2013 All rights reserved. Skill Development/Guided Practice 2 5. know / knew The verb is regular/irregular. I ________ all my multiplication facts. The boy ________ his multiplication facts before the test. 6. come /came The verb is regular/irregular. You ________ to my house last week. I ________ to your house today. 7. bend / bent The verb is regular/irregular. The trees _______ when it is windy. The tree ________ yesterday during the strong wind. 8. spend / spent The verb is regular/irregular. Teachers ________ money on books. Earlier this month, the teachers ________ money on chalk. knew came bent spent Write a sentence using one of these irregular verbs in past tense. T: _________________________________________________________ S: _________________________________________________________ Regular VerbsIrregular Verbs add –ed jump/jumped if ends in e, add –d skate/skated the vowel changes ride/rode final letter to a –t build/built A regular verb in the past tense ends in -ed. An irregular verb forms the past tense without adding -ed. How did I/you identify the change in the verb in the past tense? How did I/you determine the type of verb? How did I/you use the correct verb in each sentence? CFU 1b 1a 2a Read the present and past tense verbs. Identify the change to the verb in the past tense. (underline) Determine the type of verb. (underline) Hint: Use the regular/irregular verb table. Read the sentences. Hint: Underline past tense clue words. Use the correct verb tense in each sentence. (write) Read the sentences one more time. Form and use regular and irregular verbs. 1 a b 2 a b Past tense Clue Words before, yesterday, last, earlier, in the past
CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. ©2013 All rights reserved. Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) form divide answer glue Write a sentence using one of these regular verbs in past tense. T: _________________________________________________________ S: _________________________________________________________ How did I/you determine what the question or prompt is asking? How did I/you determine the ELA concept required? How did I/you determine the relevant information? How did I/you answer the question? How did I/you determine if all parts of the question have been answered? CFU Kevin reminded his little brother to meet him at the bus stop. 2. The bear came out of its den in the springtime. 3. Carla and her sister argued over which movie to watch. 4. Steven spent his allowance on a new video game. Identify (circle) the verb in the sentence and label as regular or irregular.
CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. ©2013 All rights reserved. Relevance A regular verb in the past tense ends in -ed. An irregular verb forms the past tense without adding -ed. Forming regular and irregular verbs will help you speak and write correctly. Forming regular and irregular verbs will help you do well on tests. 12 Sample Test Question: Read this sentence from paragraph 2 of the report. The birds landed so hard on the water that some of them bended their beaks. What is the correct way to write the underlined word? A bending B bent C bends D Leave as is. Incorrect sentence: Angela dance yesterday. Correct sentence: Angela danced yesterday. Does anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to form and use regular and irregular verbs? (Pair-Share) Why is it relevant to form and use regular and irregular verbs? You may give one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is most relevant to you? Why? CFU
CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. ©2013 All rights reserved. A regular verb in the past tense ends in -ed. An irregular verb forms the past tense without adding -ed. Skill Closure Regular VerbsIrregular Verbs add –ed jump/jumped if ends in e, add –d skate/skated the vowel changes ride/rode final letter to a –t build/built 1. answer / answered The verb is regular/irregular. You always __________ the teacher’s questions. Before lunch, you ___________ three questions. 2. ride / rode The verb is regular/irregular. Long ago, people ___________ in wagons. Now, people ___________ in cars. Access Common Core Why is “Jason skate to the park yesterday” not an example of using the past tense correctly? Explain. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Summary Closure What did you learn today about forming and using regular and irregular verbs? (Pair-Share) Use words from the word bank. Day 1 ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Day 2 ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Read the present and past tense verbs. Identify the change to the verb in the past tense. (underline) Determine the type of verb. (underline) Hint: Use the regular/irregular verb table. Read the sentences. Hint: Underline past tense clue words. Use the correct verb tense in each sentence. (write) Read the sentences one more time. Form and use regular and irregular verbs. 1 a b 2 a b Past tense Clue Words before, yesterday, last, earlier, in the past Word Bank verb regular irregular ending past tense
CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. ©2013 All rights reserved. Independent Practice 1. count / counted The verb is regular/irregular. I ________ my baseball cards daily. Last night, I _________ how many video games I have. 2. boil / boiled The verb is regular/irregular. This morning, my mother __________ eggs for a salad. I ________eggs to put in a sandwich. 3. dig / dug The verb is regular/irregular. Desert animals ____ burrows to stay out of the sun. A lizard ____ under the sand earlier. 4. glue / glued The verb is regular/irregular. Last week, the students __________ maps in a history album. They __________ pictures everyday. Regular VerbsIrregular Verbs add –ed jump/jumped if ends in e, add –d skate/skated the vowel changes ride/rode final letter to a –t build/built A regular verb in the past tense ends in -ed. An irregular verb forms the past tense without adding -ed. Read the present and past tense verbs. Identify the change to the verb in the past tense. (underline) Determine the type of verb. (underline) Hint: Use the regular/irregular verb table. Read the sentences. Hint: Underline past tense clue words. Use the correct verb tense in each sentence. (write) Read the sentences one more time. Form and use regular and irregular verbs. 1 a b 2 a b Past tense Clue Words before, yesterday, last, earlier, in the past
CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. ©2013 All rights reserved. Name Periodic Review 1 1. form / formed The verb is regular/irregular. We ______ a straight line before entering the park. We will ______ two teams to play basketball. 2. lend / lent The verb is regular/irregular. I should ______ my sister some money. I remember when she ______ me money to buy a game. 3. divide / divided The verb is regular/irregular. Math is more fun when we ______ with large numbers. We ______ by small numbers last week. Access Common Core 1. Mr. Clark, the 3 rd -grade teacher, gave an assignment. Write a sentence using the irregular verb spend in the past tense. Mischa wrote -- Yesterday, we spended all our money buying toys. Fred wrote – Last summer, we spent a lot of time swimming. Who formed spend in the past tense correctly? Why? ________________________________________________________________ Write your own sentence using the irregular verb spend in the past tense. ________________________________________________________________ 2. Which sentence contains an irregular verb? A The teacher checked their homework B The Miwok Indians pounded acorns into flour. C The scientists blew the candle out. Identify the irregular verb in the sentence above. (write) Irregular verb _____________________ Write your own sentence using the irregular verb. _________________________________________________________________
CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. ©2013 All rights reserved. Access Common Core Elephants 1. Elephants needed lots of food everyday to keep them healthy and strong. 2. The grown elephants eat lots of grass and need lots of water. 3. Last summer, the elephants move a lot to find new places with grass and water. What is the correct way to write the underlined word to fit the verb tense in sentence 1. A needing B needs C need D Leave as is. What is the correct way to write the underlined word to fit the verb tense in sentence 3. A moves B moving C moved D Leave as is. Name Periodic Review 2 1. determine / determined The verb is regular/irregular. Yesterday, we ___________ if verbs were regular or irregular. The table can be used to help ___________ if verbs are regular or irregular. 2. dive / dove The verb is regular/irregular. It was Jonathan’s turn to _____ into the swimming pool. He _____ perfectly last time. 3. add / added The verb is regular/irregular. Write a sentence each verb tense: add:_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ added:_____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Read the paragraph and answer the question below.
CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. ©2013 All rights reserved. Access Common Core Name Periodic Review 3 1. give / gave The verb is regular/irregular. Write a sentence each verb tense: give:_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ gave:______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. subtract / subtracted The verb is regular/irregular. Write a sentence each verb tense: subtract:____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ subtracted:__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Regular Verbs 1. remind / reminded 2. brush / brushed 3. provide / provided 4. argue / argued Irregular Verbs 5. know / knew 6. come /came 7. bend / bent 8. spend / spent In this lesson, the students learned how to form and use regular and irregular verbs. Select four verbs of your choice and write four sentences using the past tense. 1._____________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________ 4._____________________________________________________
CCSS 3 rd Grade Language 1.0d Form and use regular and irregular verbs. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. ©2013 All rights reserved. Blank Page