Roman Britain
Julius Caesar Was the most famous dictator of the Roman Republic who expanded greatly the area of the Roman Empire Reached the Channel in 55 BC and saw Britain Made two raids to Britain in 55 and 54 BC but had to pull back his forces because of rebellion in Gaul
Emperor Claudius Was the 4th Roman Emperor Started the invasion of Britain in 43 AD The Senate granted him a triumph for his efforts Britain was ruled as a colony and the free celts were not turned into salves
Queen Boudicca Queen of the British Iceni tribe When Romans invaded Britain the Iceni joined with them The Romans betrayed them, tortured queen Boudicca and raped her daughters In AD 61 she led a revolt against Romans After Romans defeated her she killed herself or got sick and died
Life Under Roman power Romans built a Network of towns, forts and camps connected with paved roads They also built Hadrian’s wall in 122 AD to keep out the raiding tribes of the far north Place names that end in –caster or –chester used to be Roman military camps Romans built baths in Aquae Sulis, which is now Bath, between the 1st and the 4th century Romans brought Christianity and in the 4th century the Christian Church was established in Britain