IRP Research and Hypothesis: Bibliography
Bibliography-Format worksheet **This sheet is for note- taking purposes only. Use this sheet as a guide for completing the Bibliography section of your IRP Research and Hypothesis sheet.**
Directions As you are completing your research, you need to cite the sources that you use. Sources are books, databases, etc. from which you get information or pictures about your topic. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct information from your source.
Example: Step 1: Fill out “Bibliography – Format” worksheet. All About Plants John Davis Plant World8/10/1310/14/13 plantworld/article/all about
All About Plants. John Davis. Plant World. 8/10/13. 10/14/13.. Example: Step 2: Write it in the “Bibliography” section of your “IRP Research and Hypothesis” sheet. When you are finished, you should have at least two sources cited on your “IRP Research and Hypothesis” sheet that look similar to the completed example above.
ONLINE BIBLIOGRAPHIES Don’t forget to check out EASY BIB at for a truly “easy” way to complete your bibliography! See the “Bibliography – Format” sheet in your IRP folder for detailed directions!