What are types of fibre What makes something a ‘fibre’?? TYPES: Soluble Fibre Insoluble Fibre
Why Take Soluble Fibre?? Demo- inulin and chia What does it do? Examples of soluble fibre What health conditions may benefit from soluble fibre?
Health Conditions Digestive Condition IBS Constipation/Diarrhea Cardiovascular Cholesterol Diabetes Immune System- more to come
Why take insoluble fibre Demo- bran What does it do? Examples of insoluble fibre What health conditions may benefit from insoluble fibre?
What health conditions can benefit from insoluble fibre Constipation Prevention of colon cancer Weight loss Diverticular disease (pouches in intestines)
Role of Fibre in Digestive System- GUT MICROBIOME Speed of Transit Food for probiotics Immune System
What is … well … normal? Number Per day? Per week? Colour? Size? Smell??
Speed of Transit Why do we care? The longer food is in the digestive tract, the longer it can be acted on by bacteria We don’t want it too fast; or too slow Problems with too fast? Problems with too slow?
Feeding your bacterial crew PRE-BIOTICS The idea of different bacteria living in the digestive tract What is the purpose of these?? They are living, so what are they eating?
Probiotics and Immune System What are probiotics? How can bacteria affect the immune system? Conditions that are currently being researched: Fibromyalgia Rheumatoid arthritis Diabetes And others!
So what would you do? Immune related conditions like eczema Constipated (uncomplicated) High cholesterol Any side effects to tell a patient?
Practical Baking with fibre? Chia Pudding? Both?