Course Rep Elections 2015/16
What are Course Reps? Course Reps are current students at Nottingham Trent elected to represent their coursemates in academic matters The election of these Course Reps is held at the beginning of the academic year This is your chance to elect the right person to represent you Course Reps can make a huge difference to the way teaching is delivered on their course
What do they do? Course Reps collect feedback from their coursemates and present this in regular Course Committee meetings with academic staff They work closely with NTU and NTSU to resolve any academic issues Course Reps then keep students aware of what progress or changes have been made
Interested in becoming a Course Rep? Your course is using the online method of Course Rep nomination and election To nominate yourself, visit to complete an online nomination form Nominations open on Friday 25 th September and close on Sunday 11 th October All students are represented by their Course Rep so even if you don’t fancy being one, make sure you vote!
For more information,