How to Translate Chinese Dishes 中国菜肴的英 译 参 赛选 手 :许 皓 公共英 语 翻 译
Master the basic principles of translating Chinese dishes. Objectives:
Example 爆炒腰花 Sautéed Pig Kidney
Analysis 爆炒腰花 Sautéed Pig Kidney (Cooking method)+ed Ingredient
Rule 1 (Cooking method)+edIngredient
Exercise 凉拌 鱿鱼 Mixed Squid
Exercise 炸 鸡 腿 Deep-fried Chicken Leg
Example 土豆炖牛肉 Stewed Beef with Potato
Analysis and/with 土豆炖牛肉 Stewed Beef (Cooking method) +ed Main Ingredient Potato Side Ingredient
Rule 2 and/with (Cooking method) +ed Main Ingredient Side Ingredient
Exercise 珍菌滑炒肉 Stir-fried Pork with Mushroom
Example 金蒜煎牛仔粒 Pan-fried Diced Beef with Garlic
Analysis and/with 金蒜煎牛仔粒 Pan-fried Diced Beef (Shape+ed) + Main Ingredient Garlic Side Ingredient (Cooking method) +ed
Rule 3 and/with (Shape+ed) + Main Ingredient Side Ingredient (Cooking method) +ed
Exercise 宫 保 鸡 丁 Sautéed Diced Chicken with Peanuts
Summary Cooking method Ingredients Shape
Assignment 卤水鸭舌卤水鸭舌 清蒸火腿 鸡 片 葱爆肥牛 山菌 烧 豆腐