I am a junior at the University of Rhode Island, majoring in Mathematics and secondary Education. My other hobbies include various sports. I am an avid rock climber and cyclist. I have been a cyclist for some time now and just recently started to rock climb. I also have another part time job working at Providence Bicycle. My jobs and hobbies keep me busy. WHO AM I?
WHAT IS IT ABOUT TEACHING THAT ATTRACTS ME? As I went through school I was not the smartest of students. I was tracked to just graduate but I did have some teachers that believed in me and pushed me to make the most of my education. I find most of my drive for wanting to teach is to be there for students like I was. I hope want to be a positive role modal for my students. Most students are afraid of math they have a misunderstanding of how helpful it is to understand math. I am driven to teach math because I like the challenge that the stereotype brings. I want o change my students to become adverse learners able to learn any subject whether they be math or English.
MY PHILOSOPHY OF TEACHING Humanistic I want to help my students not just in math but in life I want to help them make appropriate choices It is important in my role as a teacher to help my students in more than just academics Managerial Arrange my room in best way to optimize learning Maximize time on task Have clear systems, procedures and expectations Work Hard Play HARD
CLASSROOM RULES Work quietly unless we are in groups Follow all directions the first time Listen when others are speaking Show respect for yourself Show respect for the classroom and the school Be ready to work hard to play hard
CONSEQUENCES 1 st offense tier 1 Verbal warning 2 nd offense tier 2 Loss of classroom privileges 3 rd offense Lunch detention 4 th offense tier 3 office referral and call home
ASSESSMENTS Formal quizzes, test, and final examination In class group work In class sage learning Teacher lead lecture Assessments will be frequent to monitor understanding
POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION SYSTEM In my class room most students will be able to behave with the rules given. If there is an issue a small classroom intervention will happen. In which the expectations of the classroom are gone over. All students will participate in this intervention. If the behavior Is not solve by the classroom intervention then a one- on-one situation will happen with me and the student to discuss expectations. As a last result a RTI will be set up to develop a further plan to aid the student.
WORK HARD PLAY HARD I am A hard worker I expect the same from my students Work Hard: My students will be hard workers, together will work hard and together we will play hard. Play hard: Classes will earn rewards that include free time, homework passes, movie time, and other fun activities. The idea is to push students to work hard in order to earn some rewards that will foster a positive learning environment.