Character- a person’s use of self-control to act on responsible values. Value- a principle or standard that guides the way a person behaves..
Responsibility Citizenship CaringFairness Respect Honesty Character Values
Honesty › Not only telling the truth, but acting on it! Responsibility › Making healthful decisions and accepting the consequences. Citizenship › Carrying out the duties of a member of the community.
Caring › Sharing the pain and pleasure of others. Fairness › Acting or judging without favoritism or prejudice. Respect › Treating others with dignity and consideration.
Family School Peers Media Culture Do the right thing… m/watch?v=t4AJFyK63Hg &feature=related m/watch?v=t4AJFyK63Hg &feature=related
List different instances in which you may feel peer pressure. Positive or negative?
1. Say “NO” in a firm voice. 2. Give reasons for saying no. 3. Be certain your behavior matches your words. 4. Ask and adult for help if you need help.