CGS AGM March 2014 Secretary’s Report
Membership stable
Changes in Council … Carole Brewer, Shane McKee, Peter Turnpenny, Amanda Collins and Elisabeth Rosser demitting office. Miranda Splitt and Meriel Mcentagert -new Council Members Ruth Newbury-Ecob - Vice President / President Elect Diana Baralle - Treasurer Lynn Greenhalgh - Secretary
Thanks … Thanks to all who have contributed to Council this year, particularly the Council members who are leaving office and especially to Peter Thanks also to Dina Kotecha for all her work on behalf of the Society during the year
Treasurer’s Report 2012 – 2013
Summary of Budget Total incoming resources £19,316 Total resources expended £13,493 Net incoming / (outgoing) resources £ 5,823 Total funds brought forward £ 23,317 Total funds carried forward £29,140 Unrestricted funds : General fund £ 29,140 Award fund £ 14,405 Society Meeting Reserve £ 10, Total funds £53,981 £53,391 ======
Summary of Budget (2) Unrestricted funds : General fund £ 29,140 Award fund £ 14,405 Society Meeting Reserve £ 10, Total funds £53,981 (2014)£53,391(2013) ====== Need to be accepted by AGM
Awards / Prizes/ Bursaries Genetics trainees: Bursary to attend another centre (UK or abroad) £400 x 3 Bursary to attend BSGM x2 Bursary for study leave – meeting or work £400 x 3 Robin Winter SpR Prize£200 Genetics consultants Bursary to attend BSGM or CGS x2
Awards / Prizes/ Bursaries International Scholarshipup to £1500 x2 FY Bursary to spend time in genetics£350 x2 Reduced membership of CGS (BSGM fee only) Medical Students Bursary for elective (UK or abroad)£350 x2 Essay prize£300 Free membership of CGS and BSGM