STUDENT SERVICES MANAGER Richard Cooper & HEAD of ADDITIONAL SUPPORT Vanessa Colclough STUDENT SERVICES MANAGER Richard Cooper & HEAD of ADDITIONAL SUPPORT Vanessa Colclough Success at Sixth Form
ADDITIONAL SUPPORT Available to all students during their time at QE
Learning Needs Assessments – screening tests and individual assessments Specialist Teaching for students with SpLD or a sensory impairment Access Arrangements in examinations Note-takers Practical assistants 1:1 assistants Specialist equipment, including laptop loans and dictaphones Academic Coaching – for any student who would benefit from generic support, e.g. time management, organisation, note-taking skills, revision and exam technique
Medical Needs Personal Emergency and Evacuation Plans (PEEP) Individual risk assessments Storage of medication Specialist equipment & furniture Liaison between college staff and external agencies, e.g. health professionals Collation of work during periods of student absence Photocopying of notes & handouts Liaison between subject staff, parents and students Access arrangements in exams, these may include rest breaks, extra time or a separate venue
Welfare & Safeguarding Welfare Signposting to external agencies Close liaison between health services, including CAMHS Discreet counselling; the college has 3 qualified counsellors Financial and housing advice Safeguarding The college has a number of staff who are trained to support members of the college community with any safeguarding issues.
Student Services deals with: Financial Support Bursary Fund Scheme Which is made up of: Vulnerable Young People Weekly Bursary Payments Specific Support Transport Attendance Student Executive Student Services Shop and lots more…
Financial Support The college receives funds to help individual students with their course costs; the ’16-19 Bursary Fund Scheme’. The Bursary Fund Scheme is split into 3 main parts: Vulnerable Young People support Weekly Bursary Payments Specific Support - including: Transport, Exam re-sits, visits etc. All applications are means tested and require evidence of financial circumstances.
Transport Subsidised transport may be available from your Local Authority (LA). For the current academic year both Leicester and Leicestershire LAs charges will remain unchanged. More information on travel can be found at Leicester City LA Standard Student pass: £ Home to college only Monday to Friday using Arriva or First. Concessions available subject to receipt of Income Support or Income based Job Seekers Allowance. Leicestershire LA Standard Student pass: £ Home to college only Monday to Friday using Arriva or First No concessions other than direct debit monthly installments.
Attendance Issues ‘Student attendance is the student’s responsibility’ Students can check their attendance on any in-college computer If students forget to swipe into a lesson they can come to Student Services to correct their attendance Maintaining a good attendance record is important for all students and not just those in receipt of financial support
Procedures Absence from college: If a student is going to be absent from college and they know about the absence in advance, they must complete a slip with their personal tutor in advance If a student is ill they must phone the college voice mail on every day of absence If a student becomes ill during the college day they must sign out at the General Office