1 Agenda Bond Market Development Debt Issuer Services Fixed Income Regulatory Issues Prudential Committee Infrastructure Investment Work Group Town Hall Meeting June 2013 Adré Smit
2 Bond Market Development Seeking greater transparency from the market, but liquidity remains important; trying to get right balance between two National Treasury Bond Market Development Committee (BMDC) Electronic trading platform for government bonds Membership/ ASISA sub-committee Role of the Primary Dealers- provide continuous two-way prices Debate currently around: Access to two-way prices Role of the JSE Chairman of BMDC meeting with ASISA FISC on 26 June for update
3 Debt Issuer Services Debt Issuance Guidelines for Corporate Bonds Worked with Debt Issuers Association (DIA) To ensure fair and transparent engagement between Issuers and Investors on issuance of corporate bonds ASISA members monitoring adherence to guidelines To develop similar guidelines for Securitisation Issues Awaiting input from Securitisation Forum Debt Issuers Services WG working on standardised legal terms it would want included in primary debt issues
4 Fixed Income Regulatory Issues Work Group set up to pick up on issues that relate to interpretation of Board Notice 80 under CISCA Engaged with the FSB on a number of urgent issues Will be putting on the table a number of other issues as well
5 Prudential Committee Within context of proposed Twin Peaks regulation National Treasury set up two committees: Prudential and Market Conduct committees Prudential committee responsible for all issues that could result in systemic risk to the South African financial system Amongst other issues, this committee will have oversight of: Structure of the capital market and its regulation Shadow banking Banking liquidity and funding Basel III implementation
6 Infrastructure Investment Work Group South African infrastructure investment program Research Input- interaction with OECD International models Engagement with relevant parties PICC- pipeline of 18 SIPS DHET- Student accommodation (SIP 14) National Treasury Task Team: Private sector financing of infrastructure To create enabling environment Business Leadership SA and Banking Association of SA Eskom/Transnet unlocking the Northern Mineral Belt with Waterberg as catalyst (SIP 1) Investigate previous experiences to establish blockages