Lifestyle in Europe 1200’s to 1400’s Trade increased with the Middle East and Asia Banking thrived Architecture- Towns became more developed and more populated. Cathedrals in a Gothic Style
Gothic Cathedrals
Education in Europe 1 st Universities established in London, Paris, and Italy By Europe had 80 Universities Qualifications for a degree- 4 to 6 years of studying and then tested orally
Scholasticism A way of thinking that includes Faith and Reason Father of Scholasticism is THOMAS AQUINAS Born in Italy in the 1200’s Wanted to find an agreement between the Church and Aristotle.
Language Latin – Language used by the Educated Vernacular – Languages that are used in everyday life or Local Languages Examples- French, Spanish, English, German
Religion affected Society Church was extremely Wealthy and Powerful By the 1200’s many religious orders had been created including Mission of the Friar Franciscan Dominican
Religion in Everyday Life Effected every part of everyone's daily life. Sunday’s EVERYONE attended Mass Saints- People prayed on a daily bases to individual saints asking for God’s favor. The three points above where common in All of Europe!!
Heresy in the Church Heresy is a crime committed against the church. Catholic Church started the Inquisition to settle heresy disputes. Inquisition – questioned anyone that was accused of heresy and determined all punishments Punishments ranged from penance to death
Division in Politics and Religion Pope was an Elected official and had major Succession issues. Kings became more powerful as Feudalism ended and resulted in less need for Pope’s approval Corruption in the Catholic Church was at an all time high.
Hundred Years War England vs France Lasted Fought mainly over who controlled area’s of France. England had better Weapons By 1453 France had driven out all of the English Armies on French territory.
Joan of Arc 17 year old French girl Brought religion to the troops at the front line. Captured by England and tried for heresy and burned at the stake. Considered a saint in French History.
Spain and Portugal Ruled entirely by Islamic control until the 1250’s Christian drove out Muslims in the RECOQUISTA, creating three Christian kingdoms. (Portugal, Castile, and Aragon) King from Aragon and Queen of Castile married and formed Spain
Spanish Inquisition Tortured and tried 1000’s of people who were accused of disloyalty to the Catholic Church. Royals of Spain forced all Jews to either convert to Christianity or leave the country.