A B C picture book By Catherine Gee + Whitney Nzenwa English 12 Pd: 1B
A – Alone Equality is alone in the beginning of the story and he explains that being alone is forbidden.
B – Brother In anthem everyone one thought as a unit thinking of their brothers as their brothers thought as them everyone was equally dull.
C - Council The council told everyone what they were supposed to do and where they were supposed to live, they ruled over the city.
D – Deceiving Equality broke laws and had places where he could le4arn beyond where he was needed, being deceitful.
E – Electricity Equality spends time in his tunnel and realized how to make electricity.
F – Friends It is forbidden to have friends, but equality befriends a few people in his journey.
G – Golden One She is the girl that equality end up loving, and the first girl he has a liking to.
H – House of the Street Sweepers The house of street sweepers is where equality lives after he turns 15.
I - I I is the unspeakable word and when equality was young hew saw someone die for saying it.
J - judges The men in white togas (aka the council)
K – knowledge They were only allowed to know so much, unless the became a scholar.
L - light They used candles to see, but equality found out about electricity.
M - majority In Oder for equality to have his invention processed he had to have majority vote which he didn't.
N- Netural An impartial or unbiased country or person.
P- Prometheus Equality's new name; man who defied Zeus and gave the people 'light' or 'knowledge‘
S- Saint of the Pyre Hero of the story