It was Thomas Edison who invented the lightbulb. He was neither the first nor the only person trying to invent an incandescent light bulb. He wanted to invent a workable electric light system that would replace candles and gaslight forever, at home and in public. He failed uncountable times, but did not give up. The lightbulb was finally invented in 1879.
Thomas’s full name is Thomas Alva Edison (nicknamed Al). His birthplace was Milan, Ohio. He was born on 11 February He died on October 18, He was 32 when he invented the lightbulb. He invented other things too: - Phonograph -Motion Picture (like a camera) -The Electrographic Vote Recorder -Magnetic Iron Ore Separator
Edison’s parents: Samuel and Nancy He married twice His first wife (Mary) died of scarlet fever. He remarried two years later (Mina Miller) He had six children. Edison with his children Madeline, Theo, and Charles; his wife, Mina; and the children's nurse, Lena; about Second wife; Mina Miller
Done By:. Ming Hui.Siti Syafahani.Winston.Kun Hao Fantastic 4 (group 7)