Course Selection and Post-Secondary Planning for Grades 10 and 11 Students An Information Session Aurora High School Guidance Department Presents:
Agenda O.S.S.D. Requirements Course Types in Grades 11 and 12 Math and Science Pathways Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Post-Secondary Planning The College Pathway The University Pathway Useful Websites for all Pathways Course Selection Choose The Right Plan for Your Success Agenda O.S.S.D. Requirements Course Types in Grades 11 and 12 Math and Science Pathways Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Post-Secondary Planning The College Pathway The University Pathway Useful Websites for all Pathways Course Selection Choose The Right Plan for Your Success
Diploma Requirements O.S.S.D 18 Compulsory Credits 12 Optional Credits 40 Hours of Community Involvement Successful Completion of Ontario Literacy Requirement
Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 English Mathematics French Immersion Science French Immersion GeographyHistory Physical EducationCareers/Civics French / FI FrenchFrench Immersion 8 credits min. 7 creditsmin. 6 credits Course Selection for All Pathways Additional Compulsory Credits Include: Arts, Groups 1, 2 and 3 Students should be aware of prerequisites for course selection AND for post-secondary destinations. Elective credits provide opportunities in areas of interest and hands-on, experiential learning. Compulsory credits Optional credits
Course Load & the 34 Credit Policy AHS students are required to carry the following course load: Grades 9 and 10 students must carry EIGHT credits on their timetables Grade 11 students must carry a minimum of SEVEN credits on their timetables (if eligible) Grade 12 students must carry a minimum of SIX credits on their timetables A reminder of the 34 credit threshold policy in effect as of September 2014 AHS students are required to carry the following course load: Grades 9 and 10 students must carry EIGHT credits on their timetables Grade 11 students must carry a minimum of SEVEN credits on their timetables (if eligible) Grade 12 students must carry a minimum of SIX credits on their timetables A reminder of the 34 credit threshold policy in effect as of September 2014
Course Types in Grades 11 and 12 C – College Destination E – Workplace Destination M – University/College O – Open U – University Destination For example: ENG3C1 – Grade 11 English (College) PPL4O1 – Grade 12 Phys. Ed. (Open) C – College Destination E – Workplace Destination M – University/College O – Open U – University Destination For example: ENG3C1 – Grade 11 English (College) PPL4O1 – Grade 12 Phys. Ed. (Open)
Remember that Full Disclosure Applies to You! In Grades 9 and 10, only successfully completed courses appear on your transcript In Grades 11 and 12, all courses taken or attempted beyond the full disclosure date will appear on your transcript as a withdrawal with the percentage grade earned In Grades 9 and 10, only successfully completed courses appear on your transcript In Grades 11 and 12, all courses taken or attempted beyond the full disclosure date will appear on your transcript as a withdrawal with the percentage grade earned
Prerequisite Planning Many courses in Grades 11 & 12 have prerequisites Flowcharts outlining prerequisites for each discipline are available through the Ministry of Education’s website Post-secondary institutions and some apprenticeship and workplace destinations will have prerequisite courses Many courses in Grades 11 & 12 have prerequisites Flowcharts outlining prerequisites for each discipline are available through the Ministry of Education’s website Post-secondary institutions and some apprenticeship and workplace destinations will have prerequisite courses
Aurora High School Pathways
Common Pathways in Mathematics 10D 11U 12U (Data / Functions / Calculus) 10D 11M 11U 12U (D / F / C&V) 10D/P 11M 12U Data or MCT 10P 11C 12C (MAP)
Science Pathways
Advice for Senior Math & Science Students Talk to your math and/or science teacher(s) about recommendations for your Grade 11 or 12 math/science pathways For math, 11U and 12U courses are recommended for students with a 75% or higher average in their previous math course(s) Consider taking an extra math credit (or repeating a course) to increase your foundation Take advantage of extra help opportunities Prioritize your school work to manage your time wisely Assume mins. of homework daily per course Talk to your math and/or science teacher(s) about recommendations for your Grade 11 or 12 math/science pathways For math, 11U and 12U courses are recommended for students with a 75% or higher average in their previous math course(s) Consider taking an extra math credit (or repeating a course) to increase your foundation Take advantage of extra help opportunities Prioritize your school work to manage your time wisely Assume mins. of homework daily per course
How Does the Program Work? In Grade 11, you take a two credit Cooperative Education course. Depending on your sector, you may experience a placement in…
in BUSINESS, you might take… in CONSTRUCTION, you might take… In Grade 11, you take two major credits, for example:
in ARTS & CULTURE, you might take… in HEALTH & WELLNESS, you might take…
How Does the Program Work? In Grade 12, you take TWO MORE major courses Depending on the sector, there may be an additional required credit
INDUSTRY CERTIFICATIONS, REACH AHEAD & EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING During Grades 11 and 12, you complete Industry Certifications For example… During Grades 11 and 12, you go on Reach Ahead and Experiential Learning opportunities For example…
SHSM Recognition
Interested in SHSM? Apply online through Career Cruising See Mrs. Nerling in Rm 222 to pick up an application Apply online through Career Cruising See Mrs. Nerling in Rm 222 to pick up an application
College Pathway
Ontario College Admissions High school diploma and possible additional requirements such as specific prerequisite courses, interviews, English entrance test, portfolio, etc. Most courses types can be used for admission Colleges do not usually require a specific overall average for admissions, but rather a minimum mark in prerequisite courses Grade 11 marks for prerequisite subjects may be used on an interim basis until the Grade 12 course marks are available Consult specific college programs or websites for all entrance requirements
University Pathway
Ontario University Admissions Minimum of SIX Grade 12 U or M courses Your admission average consists of prerequisite courses plus your next highest marks for a total of SIX. All Grade 11/12 marks are sent to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (O.U.A.C.) Universities publish their program prerequisites on eInfo, university websites and handbooks Universities may review Grade 11 courses for admission and/or prerequisites College and open courses (including Cooperative Education) are NOT considered for university admission Minimum of SIX Grade 12 U or M courses Your admission average consists of prerequisite courses plus your next highest marks for a total of SIX. All Grade 11/12 marks are sent to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (O.U.A.C.) Universities publish their program prerequisites on eInfo, university websites and handbooks Universities may review Grade 11 courses for admission and/or prerequisites College and open courses (including Cooperative Education) are NOT considered for university admission
eINFO The Companion Guide to Ontario Universities for Secondary School Students Highlights of eINFO website Hints and tips to help you make the most of your eINFO experience Deadlines for university applications and responses Contact information for all Ontario universities and their affiliates A “to do” list to check as you prepare to apply for university The Companion Guide to Ontario Universities for Secondary School Students Highlights of eINFO website Hints and tips to help you make the most of your eINFO experience Deadlines for university applications and responses Contact information for all Ontario universities and their affiliates A “to do” list to check as you prepare to apply for university
Exploring Post-Secondary Options Apprenticeship: College: (certificate, diploma & degree programs) University: (degree programs) World of Work: Apprenticeship: College: (certificate, diploma & degree programs) University: (degree programs) World of Work:
Course Selection
Career Cruising
Course Planner Page NOTE: As a part of the submission process, you are required to select TWO alternate courses. Please understand that you must be prepared to take these courses. Choose wisely!
SUMMER SCHOOL PLANS? Sign up through Career Cruising Click on the “summer school course” request box (at bottom of your courses list)& choose your desired course If it is a compulsory credit, it will disappear from your options above Note: not all courses are offered –they are mostly senior compulsory courses with some popular electives Please be aware that you are NOT registered for this course yet. In May, you will need to click on the “ConEd” request box (at top right)to select your course and school site Sign up through Career Cruising Click on the “summer school course” request box (at bottom of your courses list)& choose your desired course If it is a compulsory credit, it will disappear from your options above Note: not all courses are offered –they are mostly senior compulsory courses with some popular electives Please be aware that you are NOT registered for this course yet. In May, you will need to click on the “ConEd” request box (at top right)to select your course and school site Summer school courses are full days, 5 days per week for 4 weeks!
SUMMER e-LEARNING PLANS? Sign up through the YRDSB website under the “Continuing Education” tab Bring your receipt of payment into Guidance to complete the registration (there is a $20.00 non-refundable fee) An will then be sent on your behalf to confirm the registration Registration opens in the Spring - listen for announcements Sign up through the YRDSB website under the “Continuing Education” tab Bring your receipt of payment into Guidance to complete the registration (there is a $20.00 non-refundable fee) An will then be sent on your behalf to confirm the registration Registration opens in the Spring - listen for announcements
SUMMER SCHOOL REMINDERS Reaching ahead in math and/or science courses is typically not recommended If, for any reason, you do not complete a compulsory course at summer school, please contact Guidance immediately to see if it can be added to your selected courses for next year Reaching ahead in math and/or science courses is typically not recommended If, for any reason, you do not complete a compulsory course at summer school, please contact Guidance immediately to see if it can be added to your selected courses for next year
Pathways for Student Success 1. Complete all Ontario Secondary School Diploma requirements (courses, community hours, OSSLT) 2. Research the necessary courses required for your post-secondary plan and “design back” 3. Consider your interests, strengths and preferred learning style(s) 4. Choose the appropriate course types for your success 1. Complete all Ontario Secondary School Diploma requirements (courses, community hours, OSSLT) 2. Research the necessary courses required for your post-secondary plan and “design back” 3. Consider your interests, strengths and preferred learning style(s) 4. Choose the appropriate course types for your success
Important Dates Course selection distribution: Period 1 classes TODAY Electronic selections in Career Cruising and course selection sheet with parent/guardian signature due: Monday February 22 nd to homeroom teachers All course selections submitted after February 22 nd will be considered late (this will lead to being placed in alternate courses, if necessary) Career Cruising locks down Friday, February 26 th Important Dates Course selection distribution: Period 1 classes TODAY Electronic selections in Career Cruising and course selection sheet with parent/guardian signature due: Monday February 22 nd to homeroom teachers All course selections submitted after February 22 nd will be considered late (this will lead to being placed in alternate courses, if necessary) Career Cruising locks down Friday, February 26 th
Please contact the Guidance Department if you have any questions!