Margaret Frost. In the times of Jesus the people had to pay their taxes to Caesar. In his village, Jericho, Zaccheus collected this tax money. He was.


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Presentation transcript:

Margaret Frost

In the times of Jesus the people had to pay their taxes to Caesar. In his village, Jericho, Zaccheus collected this tax money. He was very rich because when he collected the money, he took more than he should and kept some of it for himself. 1

But, though he was rich, he was not happy for the people did not like him at all and he had no friends. 2

One day Jesus arrived in Jerico. The people had heard so much about him and about all the wonderful things he had done. They all lined the road waiting to see him walk past. 3

Zaccheus also wanted to see Jesus but, by the time he got there, there were so many people standing on the side of the road that he had to stand at the back. 4

Zaccheus also wanted to see Jesus but, by the time he got there, there were so many people standing on the side of the road that he had to stand at the back. Now, Zaccheus was a small man and he could not see over the head of the people in front of him. “I’ll never be able to see Jesus,” he thought. 5

But then he had a clever plan. He ran ahead along the road until he came to a large tree. Zaccheus climbed up, up into the tree and made himself comfortable sitting on a large branch. Now he had a clear view of Jesus walking along the road. Zaccheus looked at Jesus. He looked so friendly that Zacheus wished he could speak to him. 6

As Jesus walked under the tree he looked up at Zaccheus. “Zaccheus, said Jesus. “How does Jesus know my name?” wondered Zaccheus. “Zaccheus, climb down quickly, because I am coming to visit you today.” The people looked at each other. How could Jesus speak to such a man and why would he visit his house? 7

Zaccheus could hardly believe that this was happening. He slid down from the tree so quickly that he nearly fell. He looked into Jesus’ eyes and saw that Jesus loved him. He stood in front of Jesus and said, “Sir, I am going to give back all the money I have stolen from other people.” Jesus knew that Zaccheus was sorry for the wrong things he had done. He said to Zaccheus, “Today you have become a child of God.” 8

From that day, Zaccheus tried to help other people whenever he could. He didn’t want to do wrong things ever again. He only wanted to love and serve God. Play again 9