Question 1 More than 97% of the Earth’s water is found where? The oceans
Question 2 The energy that drives the water cycle comes from what? The sun
Question 3 More than two thirds of the Earth’s freshwater is found in what? Icecaps and glaciers
Question 4 What is the process where plants release water into the atmosphere? Transpiration
Question 5 The process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid gain enough energy to change into a gas is called what? Evaporation
Question 6 Water that falls to the Earth as snow is called what? Precipitation
Question 7 What is happening to the total amount of water on the Earth? It is staying the same
Question 8 What needs to happen for a molecule to leave the ocean and enter the atmosphere? It needs to gain energy
Question 9 What is the land area that supplies water to a river system called? Watershed
Question 10 What makes up a river system? A river and its tributaries
Question 11 How do icebergs form? When a glacier reaches the coast and large chunks of ice break off
Question 12 What does it mean if something is permeable? There are tiny connected spaces which water or air can get through
Question 13 What is a reservoir? A body of water that stores water for human use – it may be manmade or natural
Question 14 How do lakes form? By several ways: damming a river, a meander that is cut off, when glaciers passed over an area, in extinct volcanoes, and when there are movements in Earth’s crust
Question 15 Where is groundwater found? In the aquifer or saturated zone
Question 16 How do people reach groundwater? By drilling wells
Question 17 What are the causes of a water shortage? When too little rain falls (drought), too much water is used, or both take place
Question 18 What is a point source pollutant? A pollutant that can be traced back to the source
Question 19 Why is it important to preserve the Everglades? Because many endangered species live there
Question 20 What is a drought? When the rainfall levels are below normal