Lab to Land Initiative in Sasthamcotta Block, Kerala
Sasthamcotta Block Total population – 1,94,015Total population – 1,94,015 Seven Grama PanchayatsSeven Grama Panchayats One of the better performing blocksOne of the better performing blocks Backward area with sizeable SC populationBackward area with sizeable SC population It has the largest fresh water lake – main source of drinking water for Kollam city - facing degradationIt has the largest fresh water lake – main source of drinking water for Kollam city - facing degradation
Demographic Details Total Population 1,94,015 Male94379 Female99636 SC33159 ST123 No. of Grama Panchayats 7 No. of CDS 7 No. of ADS 124
Grama Panchayats S.No Name of the GP Population No. of GP divisions 1Sasthamcotta32, West Kallada 18, Soorinad South 23, Porruvazhy27, Kunnathoor25, Soorinad North 27, Mynagapally39,33622
Progress Core Committees formed Meeting of Block level Core Committee Translated the guidelines for Bharat Nirman Volunteers Socio-Economic survey translation completed
Training to Different Stakeholders Orientation Training to Block Panchayat, Grama Panchayat Members and Officials held on 25 th June, Attended by 142 participants
Bharat Nirman Volunteers Requirement of around 1000 Volunteers Selected from the following Nehru Yuvak Kendra Kudumbashree network SC/ST promoters Literacy promoters (Preraks) Grama Sabha Coordinators
Registration of Bharat Nirman Volunteers begun Uploaded the details of Bharat Nirman Volunteers on the Diksha Portal
Nirman Volunteers S.NoName of the GPNo. of Nirman Volunteers 1West Kallada4 2Kunathoor5 3Poruvazhy25 4Sasthamcotta34 5Soorandu North9 6Soorandu South9 Total86
Training Orientation Training for Bharat Nirman Volunteers Three batches completed – two days duration Objective was to orient them about the programme and enhance their behavioural skills
Other Activities Sanitation Activities under the programme “Mazhayethu Mumpe” (Before the Rains) Awareness programmes conducted in all the Grama Panchayats in association with Suchitwa Mission Meetings attended by BP, GP members, Kudumbashree volunteers, ASHA workers, Teachers, officials etc. Sanitation Rallies organised Leaflets on sanitation distributed to households
Cleaning activities undertaken in hospitals, markets, public places Activities like cleaning of drains, rain water pits, road drainage etc. undertaken under MGNREGS
Road Map Registration of remaining volunteers in July ToT to be held on 25 th July 3 day training of Volunteers in each Grama Panchayat Socio-Economic survey to be undertaken – translation completed Training of other stakeholders – Elected representatives, Officials and CBOs Setting up of Programme Management Unit in SIRD
Problems in Uploading Seven Grama Panchayats – but only six in the portal – Mynagapally not included Bio-data not displayed All villages not covered