Transition to State Sanctioned High School Lacrosse
Panel Members Don Aiello Paul Borchelt Dr. Jack Light Jim Old
Session topics “Types” of HS level lacrosse Some advantages and disadvantages of each type Starting point situations Roles of community lacrosse leaders and HS admin/AD – Approaches and experiences to consider
Types of HS level lacrosse Community Club School Club Virtual Varsity State Sanctioned HS program Travel Club (will not be covered)
Types of HS level lacrosse Community Club – Generally no recognition or support from the school. – Usually takes on community name and not the school name unless they are the same. – Draws players from entire community which could be multiple schools and may even draw players from neighboring communities. – Players do not receive a varsity letter from the school. – Program administered through a parent board.
Types of HS level lacrosse School Club – Recognized by the school under its official club structure. The school’s club structure usually consists of other extracurricular activities which are non-athletic such as chest and report to the assistant principle. Usually team will need a faculty sponsor per school’s club structure. – The team is allowed to use the school name and colors and has some access to school facilities but are placed behind varsity sports when it comes to access. – The team may draw form other schools depending on the school policy’s. – Player do not receive a varsity letter from the school. – Program administered through a parent board.
Types of HS level lacrosse Virtual Varsity – Recognized by the school and has out grown the club structure but school will not committee to calling it varsity. – It looks and feels like a varsity program at the school just without the official varsity tag from the school. – Player receive varsity letters. – Program administered through athletic department. Parent board becomes booster club and takes on as much responsibility as athletic department will give it.
Types of HS level lacrosse Varsity (state sanctioned) – Recognized officially by school as varsity sport. – Program administered through athletic department. – School pays coach. – Parent financial support generally through booster organization. – Players receive letters and other awards at the school.
Advantages & Disadvantages Community Based Club team No HS letter Generally lower level of competition Players pulled from local community or communities Coaches hired by the club More parental involvement Need to find fields in the community Club establishes seasonal fees & scholarship; controls finances State Sanctioned HS team High School letter Higher level of competition Players, generally, only from the HS. Tryouts. Coaches hired by school Less direct parental involvement Fields provided Cannot charge players to pay to participate Financial support typically runs through boosters (less control)
Starting point situations Lacrosse State Sanctioned Yes No Local/regional state sanctioned HS leagues Yes No
Lacrosse state sanctioned with local/regional state sanctioned teams & leagues Role of club/community lacrosse leaders – Work with HS administration and, if necessary, the school board to obtain support – Provide Financial support Establish participation “contribution” Collect & manage funds for assistant coach’s stipends, mileage, equipment, scholarships, team activities – Assist/Participate in coach search and interviews
Points to cover with HS admin and/or school board Why the interest in introducing lacrosse and why now? Describe your organization experience running a lacrosse program. Show your organization has a youth program Discuss the cost of student participation and how your organization can help Cover the local league structure, game scheduling and field needs Develop and share an operating budget Provide coaching candidates Don’t be afraid to go to school board if HS admin & AD are reticent to move forward.
Lacrosse state sanctioned with local/regional state sanctioned teams & leagues Role/responsibility of school, especially the AD – AD contacts local league to gain admission – Hire coach(es) – Provides fields, trainer – Provides transportation – Funds equipment purchases? – Has account for booster fund (who controls?)
Lacrosse state sanctioned with NO local/regional state sanctioned teams Role of club/community lacrosse leaders – Work with HS administration and, if necessary, the school board to obtain support – Provide Financial support Establish participation “contribution” Collect & manage funds for assistant coach’s stipends, mileage, equipment, scholarships, team activities – Assist/Participate in coach search and interviews
Lacrosse state sanctioned with NO local/regional state sanctioned teams Role/responsibility of school, especially the AD – AD contacts other local HS’s to develop joint proposal to State level to establish a local regional/district/section for sanctioned lacrosse – Hire coach(es) – Provides fields, trainer – Provides transportation – Funds equipment purchases? – Has account for booster fund (who controls?)
NO state sanctioned lacrosse Role of club/community lacrosse leaders – Understand state sanctioning process Review state sanctioning organization’s bylaws – Understand how local leagues are established – Work with multiple HS administrations and local leagues/districts/counties/sections to obtain support to establish state sanctioned sport.
NO state sanctioned lacrosse Role/responsibility of school, especially the AD – AD contacts other local HS’s to develop joint proposal to State level to support the addition of a state sanctioned sport. establish a local regional/district/section for sanctioned lacrosse establish championships & seeding process – League level; Regional/section; State – Hire coach(es) – Provides fields, trainer – Provides transportation – Funds equipment purchases? – Has account for booster fund (who controls?)
Break out into three groups Lacrosse state sanctioned with local/regional state sanctioned teams & leagues (Don Aiello) Lacrosse state sanctioned with NO local/regional state sanctioned teams (Jim Old) NO state sanctioned lacrosse (Dr. Jack Light & Paul Borchelt)