Sulfur Functions It is necessary for formation of collagen, the protein found in connective tissue in our bodies. Sulfur is also present in keratin, which is necessary for the maintenance of the skin, hair, and nails, helping to give strength, shape, and hardness to these protein tissues. Sulfur is also present in the fur and feathers of other animals. Sulfur, as cystine and methionine, is part of other important body chemicals: insulin, which helps regulate carbohydrate metabolism, and heparin, an anticoagulant. The sulfur-containing amino acids help form other substances as well, such as biotin, coenzyme A, lipoic acid, and glutathione. The mucopoly-saccharides may contain chondroitin sulfate, which is important to joint tissues.
Sulfur deficiency in cattle Severe sulfur deficiency results in anorexia, weight loss, weakness, dullness, emaciation, excessive salivation, and death. Marginal deficiencies of sulfur can reduce feed intake, digestibility, and microbial protein synthesis. A dietary limitation of sulfur can dramatically decrease microbial numbers as well as microbial digestion and protein synthesis. Impaired utilization of lactate by ruminal microorganisms, resulting in lactate accumulation in the rumen and blood, also can occur as a result of sulfur deficiency.
Sulfur Deficiency in Sheep
Sulfur toxicity in cattle Acute sulfur toxicity is characterized by restlessness, diarrhea, muscular twitching, dyspnea, and, in prolonged cases, inactivity followed by death. Concentrations of sulfur lower than those needed to cause clinical signs of toxicity can reduce feed intake and retard growth rate and decrease copper status. Consumption of water high in sulfate reduced feed and water intake. The maximum tolerable concentration of dietary sulfur has been estimated at 0.40 percent.