Instructional Strategies to Engage Urban Learners Insert Facilitator Names Here
Learning Outcomes for Session 1 Establish the important characteristics of an effective mathematics classroom in the urban setting. Explore and prioritize the factors that affect student achievement. 2
Reflect Take 2 minutes to independently write/reflect on personal challenges you experience in the urban setting Take 3 minutes to discuss reflections with your table group. 3
Carousel of the Urban Setting 1.Count off 1-5, remember your number. 2.Report to your numbered Chart 3.Choose a lead to report to “huddle” 4.Discuss/agree/record response on poster. 5.Rotate at signal 6
Challenges/Barriers Let’s develop possible solutions as we grow and learn this week in the Urban Institute 7
Reflect Take a few moments and think back when you have had success in a classroom and think about why it was successful. 8
Important factors for Engaging Learners Academically challenging Supportive environment Meaningful curriculum Student choice Student motivation 9
Student Motivation Creating a Task-Oriented Classroom Increasing Students' Efforts on Assignments Overcoming Students' Fear of Failing 10
Creating a Task-Oriented Classroom Research points to orientation of the learning environment as a critical factor for motivating and engaging students. 11
12 Performance-Oriented Learning Environments Task-Oriented Learning Environments Emphasis on the importance of grades, tests scores, and social comparison Classrooms grouped homogenously by ability Pull-out and retention programs Instruction and assessment emphasize correct answers over understanding Emphasis on effort, mastery, and improvement Mixed-ability classrooms Cross-age and peer tutoring programs Time used flexibly to allow strategic and short-term grouping Student mistakes are regarded as integral to learning
Increasing Students' Efforts on Assignments Teachers often encourage their students to do their best work and put forth their best effort. 13
Overcoming Students' Fear of Failing or Succeeding Self-perception of academic ability is a significant factor in motivation. 14
Strategies to Improve Student Motivation and Engage Students By infusing relevance, authenticity, and choice into the curriculum and learning activities, educators can make learning more purposeful. 15
Relating Lessons to Students' Lives Students experience a growing awareness of the world they live in and begin to question the value of what they are learning. 16
Making the Learning Authentic Three criteria for authentic instructional practices to engage learners: construction of knowledge disciplined inquiry value beyond the school. 17
Construction of Knowledge Acknowledge students' existing understanding and experience. 18
Disciplined Inquiry Structured activities are critical to the construction of knowledge. 19
Value Beyond the School This may entail connecting content to personal or public issues as well as the demonstration of understanding to an audience beyond the school. 20
Giving Students Choices Students sometimes experience a world of rules and regulations imposed on them by adults who seem not to understand their world. 21
Reference Maday, Traci, (2008). Stuck in the Middle: Strategies to Engage Middle-Level Learners, 22
Motivating urban students does not only include the work we do in the classroom, but also the work that happens outside classroom. This work promotes higher achievement! 23
Take a Look “Closing the Achievement Gap in the ClassroomClosing the Achievement Gap in the Classroom Courageous Conversations about RaceCourageous Conversations about Race” School Improvement Network 24
Exit Reflection How does the content you explored today effect the urban learner? 25
Assessment PPt Begin
PLC/Lesson Study PPT Begin