Title: Origin of WWII Do Now: Aim: How did Hitler’s aggressions lead/escalate into the Second World War? Title: Origin of WWII Do Now: Need volunteers to come to the board and simply write at least one cause surrounding WW II. Please hand in your HW.
Assignment #1: Analyzing the level of success surrounding appeasement. What does appeasement mean? Why might people sometimes try to appease others? Think of situations where you have had to choose whether to appease or confront someone. – Measure the level of success? Evaluate appeasement as a strategy for living
- Think of a bully vs. the bullied… or, an exemplary [nerdy] student vs. an aggressive/belligerent jock/sports star. - To give in to another’s demands; fear, to keep the peace, issue not worth fighting over, not worth the trouble.
Assignment #2: Through the utilization of various regents style documents/political cartoons, many of which originate from primary sources, students are asked to take notes on the listed graphic organizer [will be distributed in class] surrounding what is shown and your overall comprehension In plain and simple English, carefully view the information emanating from the smart board, then, write what you see on the listed graphic organizer. Try to be as thorough as possible.
Before getting started: Questions? Comments?
STEPPING STONES TO GLORY Describe what you see in the political cartoon
Map of German Aggression throughout the latter 1930s – what conclusions can be made surrounding said map?
The Munich Conference
(Axis Powers) The main idea of this 1941 cartoon is that Japan, Italy, and Germany
Based on the information in this chart, which situation gave rise to Nazi power in Germany?
What is the best title for this map?
“Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia” (1935) “Germany Takes the Rhineland Back” (1936) “Germany and Russia Divide Poland” (1939) These headlines might be used to illustrate the weakness of the (Hint: It was created by Thomas Woodrow Wilson and incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles).
Quick Overview: Causes Surrounding WWII Additional Slides – Not listed on the graphic Organizer
Which time period in German history is most accurately represented in this map?
The policy of appeasement helped cause World War II because this policy (1) reduced the armaments of major European powers (2) gave too much power to the United Nations (3) increased sea trade between England and the United States (4) allowed the aggressive actions of Germany to go unchecked
One reason for the outbreak of World War II was the? ineffectiveness of the League of Nations growing tension between the United States and the Soviet Union conflict between the Hapsburg and the Romanov families refusal of the German government to sign the Treaty of Versailles.
Which sequence of events is in the correct chronological order? (1) rise of Nazism → Treaty of Versailles → German invasion of the Soviet Union (2) Treaty of Versailles → rise of Nazism → German invasion of the Soviet Union (3) German invasion of the Soviet Union → rise of Nazism → Treaty of Versailles (4) Treaty of Versailles → German invasion of the Soviet Union → rise of Nazism
“Silence” – League of Nations: What does this say About the League of Nations?
Boycott War? Is that even possible? What does that even mean? How? End result?
Map of the Japanese Empire – What does this map really say Japan and its leadership throughout the era in question?