TARGET HEART RATE CALCUATION SPACE WITH EQUATION Show your work here -First take 220 and subtract your age -Next take this number and subtract your resting heart rate (number of beats in 1 minute at rest). -Multiply your new number by.65 (low end) and.85 (high end). -Add your original resting heart rate back to these two new numbers and you have your Target Heart Rate range!.
TARGET HEART RATE CALCUATION SPACE WITH EQUATION Show your work here -First take 220 and subtract your age -Next take this number and subtract your resting heart rate (number of beats in 1 minute at rest). -Multiply your new number by.65 (low end) and.85 (high end). -Add your original resting heart rate back to these two new numbers and you have your Target Heart Rate range!.
TARGET HEART RATE CALCUATION SPACE WITH EQUATION Show your work here -First take 220 and subtract your age -Next take this number and subtract your resting heart rate (number of beats in 1 minute at rest). -Multiply your new number by.65 (low end) and.85 (high end). -Add your original resting heart rate back to these two new numbers and you have your Target Heart Rate range!.
TARGET HEART RATE CALCUATION SPACE WITH EQUATION Show your work here -First take 220 and subtract your age -Next take this number and subtract your resting heart rate (number of beats in 1 minute at rest). -Multiply your new number by.65 (low end) and.85 (high end). -Add your original resting heart rate back to these two new numbers and you have your Target Heart Rate range!.