Descriptive Writing Tell Me All About It Copying permitted
What is descriptive writing? Descriptive writing uses sensory details to paint a mental picture of a person, place, thing, or event. Copying permitted
What are sensory details? They are details that appeal to the five senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling. They help descriptions come alive in the reader’s mind. Copying permitted
How do I choose a topic for a descriptive paragraph? Think about interesting people you know. Think about favorite places you’ve been. Think about an object you know a lot about. Copying permitted
What is a topic sentence? The topic sentence names your topic. It is the first sentence in the paragraph. Copying permitted
What are the body sentences? Body sentences include the details of the topic. They use sensory details to describe the person, place, thing, or event. Copying permitted
What is the closing sentence? The closing sentence ends the description. It is the last sentence in the paragraph. Copying permitted
Invitation to Read Read the following descriptive paragraph. See if you can find all the sensory details. Can you find the topic, body, and closing sentences? Copying permitted
My Grandmother My grandma’s name is Anya, but I call her “Babulya.” She has short, white, as a snow hair. Her hair was dark when she was younger. She likes to wear green and blue dresses with flowers. I have to say, those colors make her eyes sparkle. She has a mischievous laugh; it rolls through the house. She makes the most elaborate, mouth-watering dinners and jams. Babulya is round and soft; her hugs make me feel safe. She is the greatest. Copying permitted
Invitation to Write What or Who would you like to describe? Choose 3 senses you’d like to target and write words for them. Use figurative language. Follow proper paragraph rules. Copying permitted