State Perspective on Recycling Trends NC APWA, September 2012 Scott Mouw NC DEAO
Solid Waste Disposal in North Carolina
Importance of Recycling to North Carolina’s Economy Over 600 recycling companies across the state. NC manufacturers of textiles, packaging, steel, paper, glass, compost, and consumer products relying on recycled material. Leading national processors of PET and HDPE – getting less than 20% of their supply from NC
Recycling Essential to NC Manufacturers – Examples of Products Made in NC
Which of these things are “waste?”
Examples of Recycled Glass Movement in NC Foothills Sanitation MRF, 12 employees Planet Recycling,600 ABC accounts, 23 employees Pratt Industries MRF, 52 employees Reflective Recycling, $8 million glass cleaning plant, 26 employees Verallia Glass - makes bottles for Anheuser Busch, 310 employees 6
Carts and Wheels Three of the major cart manufacturers located in NC: Otto, Toter, and Schaefer. Wheels made by Roll Tech in Hickory, NC, using recycled HDPE and tire rubber. Roll Tech competes with Chinese companies to supply cart manufacturers.
Bin to Carts 8 Since 2008, NC municipalities have given their curbside customers… At least 13 million gallons of additional home recycling capacity These modernized programs are: more convenient more efficient more appreciated by customers
Recovery of Paper and Container Materials by NC Local Governments 9
Recovery of Plastic Bottles in NC by Local Government Programs 10
Key Benchmarks For Local Programs Participation – Are you at 75% or above? Per Household Served Recovery – Are you at 400 lbs or better? Material Mix – Do you collect all possibly recyclable materials? Breadth of Programs – Do you go beyond residential curbside or drop-off? Breadth of Customers – Do you provide recycling opportunities to multi- family or small business?
Cost Per Ton of Collection Programs
The Collection Mix: Then and Now 1992 Newspaper Glass bottles and jars Aluminum cans Soda bottles Milk jugs Steel cans 2012 All of the 1992 list, plus: Magazines and office paper Mixed paper Cardboard All plastic bottles Other plastic containers Aerosol cans Gable tops & drink boxes Bulky rigid plastics (sometimes) What does your MRF allow? What are your neighbors doing?
Approximate Breakdown of Single Stream
MRF Development in North Carolina 15 New MRF since 2008 MRF revamped/modernized since 2008 Other MRFs Pending Facility
MRF Costs, Material Values, “Shareable” Revenue Summer 2011Summer 2012 % of 1 MRF tonPrice/ton ValuePrice/ton Value Fiber Materials ONP38.0%$146.00$55.48$85.00$32.30 Mixed Paper15.0%$155.00$23.25$86.00$12.90 OCC12.0%$183.00$21.96$120.00$14.40 Fiber Sub-total65.0% $100.69$59.60 Container Materials Glass24.0%$16.00$3.84$16.00$3.84 Aluminum Cans1.0%$1,820.00$18.20$1,440.00$14.40 Steel Cans2.0%$273.00$5.46$137.00$2.74 PET3.5%$600.00$21.00$320.00$11.20 HDPE2.5%$500.00$12.50$580.00$14.50 Mixed Plastics1.0%$100.00$1.00$100.00$1.00 Cartons/aseptics1.0%$100.00$1.00$100.00$1.00 Container Sub-total35.0% $63.00 $48.68 TOTAL $163.69$ Shareable Value $59.69 $4.28
”Basket” of MRF Material Values
History of Fiber Prices
History of Aluminum, PET and HDPE Prices ( rate)
Hubs & Spokes: Transfer of Single Stream 20 = accessible single stream MRF = transferring county
What Can We Achieve by 2015? 2 million households in NC served by curbside and all curbside programs in carts All public parks and recreation facilities with recycling containers in place. The majority of counties collecting used cooking oil 25 counties collecting shingles 20 counties collecting carpet Majority of recycling programs collecting non-bottle plastics First curbside collection of food waste 21
Food Waste– the Next Frontier Food waste stream over 1.1 million tons per year – residential fraction: 670,000 tons per year. Growth in commercial composting facilities – many metropolitan areas have access to at least one. Separated food waste collection still at small scale but expanding. Digestion technology coming – one facility already in operation and needing more material! 2012 Southeast Food Waste Reduction Conference – Nov 12-13, Charlotte 22
A Vision of the Future 23