The Amazing Humpback Whale By: Izzy
H ave you ever seen an animal that looks like it’s flying but it lands right in the water? Chances are, you were looking at a humpback Whale. Let’s dive into the deep to see this majestic creature. Oh, and remember to put on your swim gear! SPLASH! A humpback jumping out of the water.
A head out of the water. T he great Humpback is one of the biggest species of all waters, after the blue whale, of course. But let me get to my point. This particular whale has two blow holes. Humpbacks can reach 62 feet long, and weigh 25 to 40 tons! They are blackish-blue on the top, not exactly navy, and they have some white on the bottom. They have powerful flukes that can reach 18 feet. Males are shorter than females. Now, I bring you to the amazing habitat.
A humpback gliding through the water. C oral reefs may be an easy guess, but the great Humpbacks really live in big blobs of water and sand in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. These species migrate. It is better for the calves (the babies), because they like the warm, comfortable water. So the females move there for mostly that reason. Now, I have told you enough about the habitat, let’s learn about the food chain.
A humpback flying through the air. O h, look! There’s a Humpback eating a whole lot of shrimp! “Perfect timing, Mrs. or Mr.!” That’s just what I was going to tell you about. The food chain. The humpback eats herring, mackerel, krill, shrimp, and other small sea dwelling creatures. You would think that such a big thing would eat tuna or squid, but it has quite a small diet. The Humpback doesn’t have many predators, but humans tend to kill them for their blubber, and sharks some times feast on the babies. Here is a diagram:
A mother humpback with her calf. T ime for… the life cycle! The humpback starts out as a newborn. Then it slowly grows and than it is known as a calf. Then it is a middle-aged whale. After a few months in that stage, the mammal full grown. I know, it’s totally awesome!
T he humpback is not a vicious creature. Now, this creature is endangered. I want to help the Humpback, I don’t know about you, but let’s take some time to clap for the… AMAZING HUMPBACK WHALE! You can go to your local library and find some books about the humpback. See ya!
Bibliography Dumez, Kate. The Whale Groiler. Humpback Whale Sirs Discover. Humpback Whale Worldbook Encyclopedia. Humpback Whale. 2007