3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability among e-Infrastructures and Commercial Clouds Carmela ASERO, EGI.eu 17 September 2013, Madrid 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/20131
Objective To define a roadmap for their integration with commercial cloud computing resources. 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability Context Interoperability of cloud commercial solutions with the existing e-infrastructures are “a core and critical capability for a smooth integration of new service paradigms in the ERA”. 17/09/20132
Interoperability recommendations D6.1 published in April 2013 ( nebula.eu/index.php/uploads/file/106/71/D6.1_Interope rability_Requirements_Report.pdf.html) 5 Interoperability Levels identified by the European Interoperability Framework v2 Integration scenarios explored and proposed 17 High-level recommendations identified and agreed by the stakeholders 30 Actions with 3 levels of difficulty (low, medium, high) led by 6 owners Note: Activity on most action is unfunded Interoperability test case defined 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/20133
Status of actions on Interoperability Recommendations Actions are being implemented mainly in the area of Political, Technical and Organizational interoperability with some progress also at level of Legal interoperability having more external dependencies 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/20134
Rec #1: Ensure a level playing field for the various players in the service delivery field SAP set up talks with DANTE and with EGI.eu in order to work out a business model or options to be fed into D7.2. EGI contribution integrated in D7.2. EGI.eu candidate for Trading Role within Helix Nebula A provisional agreement will be made at GA3 (in Heidelberg on September). 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/20135
Rec #2: Identify and agree a core set of open standards endorsed by the user communities Limited activity as Helix Nebula approach is to use a mediator (broker) that exposes a single interface to the users and takes care of harmonisation of service providers interfaces through adapters; main work at semantic level for data exchange (e.g., service catalogue, accounting) 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/20136
Rec #3: Set up a common task force between commercial cloud providers and publicly funded infrastructures to define common security policies Exchange of views and practices on Security Policies within Helix Nebula and EGI Federated Cloud took place in a preparatory call. Objective: achieving agreement on a set of security requirements by the end of the Helix Nebula project 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/20137
Rec 3: EGI activity on Security Some EGI security policies already cover cases where services are run in a Cloud E.g. Service Operations Security Policy For operational security, 2 key points Traceability of actions (who, what, when, …) Cooperation of service providers in Incident Response Handling Work has started on more detailed policies and procedures related to federated Clouds EGI Security Policy Group very happy to collaborate with HelixNebula on this 17/09/2013 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 8
Rec #3: Security in Helix Nebula WP5 Task 5.5: Deployment Security Management Security Challenge Gap Analysis Risk assessment for both Blue Boxes (Enstratius and SlipStream) based on the gap analysis results Lightweight penetration testing on the servers hosting the Blue Boxes and on the Web Applications 17/09/2013 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 9
Rec #4: Agree on a set of important elements to be included in cloud contracts, both for terms and conditions and SLAs One related action, followed up by HN ServArch, EGI FedCloud and DANTE WP5 has analysed useful legal views in The Queen Mary legal project ( 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/201310
Rec. #5 Compliance with EU Data Protection Package Rec. #6: Analysis of impact of extra EU legislation Rec. #7: Policy protecting users IPR on the provided software, information and data Related actions led by EGI.eu (WP6) and ServArch EU Data Protection Package still not approved Analysis of studies on impact of extra EU legislation on going Toward statement of adoption of the code of practice by each provider Aspects as security and IPR to be analysed for the legal framework of HN 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/201311
Rec #8: Agree on a minimal set of requirements for IT service management Rec #9: Common set of services needed to participate in the federation Related actions led by ServArch and TechArch Useful input from FedSM project FitSM by FedSM project presented in afternoon session Contribution from EGI Fed Cloud is critical adaptation to the business model chosen is needed 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/201312
Rec #10: Agreed business model for connection to GÉANT Link to Recommendation #1. WP7 is leading the related action Results will be fed into D7.2 On-going discussion to identify a suitable business model to connect Helix Nebula’s resource providers to GÉANT after pilot phase 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/201313
Rec #11: Compatible scheme to describe elements of a service catalogue Rec #12: Analysis of issues concerning accounting, billing, payment and settlement WP7 and ServArch in charge Discussion have been held to analyse contribution of all suppliers (publicly funded and commercial) to initial Helix Nebula Service Package 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/201314
Rec #13: Single Sign On Rec #14: Image porting on VMs across different providers Rec #15: VMs management and interface Rec #16: Data management by users TechArch in charge Contribution of EGI FedCloud is critical Some of related actions have high difficulty and are unlikely to be completed before end of the Helix Nebula EC project 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/201315
Rec #17: Investigate how SDN can benefit a federated cloud computing infrastructure A task force is being set up by DANTE, in the context of the discussions on SDN that HN partners are having with the GEANT experts. Issue: activity unfunded under HN A formal plan of action is expected to be defined and worked out. 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/201316
Toward the interoperability test of cloud hybrid model ESA flagship run on EGI Federated Cloud CERN maintains the plan to deploy its flagship on the EGI Federated Cloud to test the hybrid model (interoperate publicly funded infrastructures with commercial cloud services). More details on presentation by Salvatore Pinto after lunch 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/201317
Next Steps Follow up of actions implementation Constant feedback on status of actions to be included in weekly HN suppliers’ calls Liaising with involved stakeholders Author the final interoperability roadmap with the advancement report by March rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/201318
Thank You 3rd Helix Nebula Workshop on Interoperability 17/09/201319