REVISION STATIONS There will be 6 revision stations: 1. Details 2. Imagery 3. Diction 4. Syntax 5. Tropes 6. Schemes You will have 10 minutes per station. This is a lot of time. So, what do I want you to do with that time?
PROCESS Step 1: Individually, read through your speech thinking about how to incorporate the station goal in your speech. Try to incorporate/revise three (3) different areas. Step 2: Exchange speeches with another student in your group. Think about how to incorporate/revise one (1) area related to the station goal.
RHETORICAL DEVICES: DETAILS Effect: Create a precise mental picture (topic, setting, etc.) so you can control/focus the reader’s attention. Revising Tips: 1. Specify Nouns (people, places, things) 2. Include specific facts and numbers 3. “Name” things (instead of car, say “ferrari”) 4. Use descriptive language (instead of “ferrari” it was a “brand new yellow ferrari with a bright red stripe down the hood”) *Only use these tips if these details contribute to overall purpose. Too many details (ones that don’t contribute to the purpose) can distract the reader.
RHETORICAL DEVICES: SYNTAX Effect: Emphasizes message by creating focus. Keeps the reader interested by varying the sentence type which changes the rhythm and sound of the writing. Revising Tips: 1.Word order: Inversion? 2.Sentence length: short/long combo 3.Sentence focus: switch clauses, use effective repetition 4.Punctuation: colon, semi-colon, dash (use at least ONE somewhere in your speech). 5.Compound sentences
RHETORICAL DEVICES: DICTION Effect: Hear and feel the effects of words (effective diction conveys multiple messages and meanings with one word!) Revising Tips: 1.Verbs—Use precise verbs. She didn’t “walk” she “meandered”. 2.Think about what meanings you can suggest simply by using a single word. Find those perfect words! 3.Adjectives and Adverbs – Eliminate words like “good” and “really” from your writing. Instead, if something is “good”, use a word that tells how good it is (fantastic, exceptional, excellent). Instead of “really tired” use a word that tells how tired you were (exhausted, wiped out).
RHETORICAL DEVICES: IMAGERY Effect: Evoke vivid experience and convey emotion Revising Tips: 1. Adverbs 2. Use language that appeals to the five senses! Help your listener see or hear what it is you are describing. Try to 1. Evoke ONE vivid experience 2. Convey ONE emotion
RHETORICAL DEVICES: TROPES AND SCHEMES Requirements: 1. Three different tropes 2. Three different schemes Revising Tips: Look at your tropes and schemes tracker for examples from our past three speeches!