Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Put the packet of myths in your binder. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Why do you think it is important to have friends? Write your response on a Post It and bring it to Morning Meeting.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day One way to make friends is to make the other person feel important. Think about someone you are friends with or would like to be friends with. How is that person important to you? What can you do to make that person fee important? Write your response on a Post It and bring it to Morning Meeting. One way to make friends is to make the other person feel important. Think about someone you are friends with or would like to be friends with. How is that person important to you? What can you do to make that person fee important? Write your response on a Post It and bring it to Morning Meeting.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Dear Class, Friends try to work out their problems. Think of a time you had an argument with a friend. What happened? How did it end? If it did not go well, what could you have done differently? Write your response on a Post It and bring it to Morning Meeting
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Friends help each other. Think of a time when a friend helped you. How did your friend help? How did it make you feel? Write your response on a Post It and bring it to Morning Meeting.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task of the day You and your friend each want to play a different game. What are three different ways you could solve this problem fairly? Write your response on a Post It and bring it to Morning Meeting. Your task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Dear Class, Message: Secret pal On your desk is the name of a person in the class(or in a box). Your job is to write a special message to your secret pal, telling them something about them that you like or will make them feel special and important. For example: Thank you, Miss Dilts for always being there when I need you. You obviously love teaching and the class is fortunate to have you in their lives.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task for the day Make a list of 10 foods that you can eat either hot or cold. Circle your favorite.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Good Morning Grammarians, A noun is a person, place or thing. How many nouns can you list that start with the letter “r”?
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day If you could meet any character from a book, which one would you choose and why? Write a letter to that person in your Writers Notebook.
News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task of the day If you could meet any person (from the past or the present), who would you want to meet and why? Your task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task Dear Friends, What can you do to make today special? Can you listen more attentively? Be kind to someone? Please write what you pledge to do today that will make it a special day. NewsYour task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Reduce Reuse Recycle Good Morning, Recyclers, We have been on the lookout for items that can be recycled or reused. I know some of our classroom supplies aren’t’ useful anyone. Instead of throwing them away, let’s see if we can find otter uses for them. Take a list of the material below. Do you have any ideas about how to use them in different ways? Write one idea on the chart. Item New use Dried out markers picture frame Old game pieces models or dioramas