Nom________________ Unit Understandings Unité ___: Task: Over the course of this unit, you will be answering an essential question along with guiding questions. Any time you learn something new about France or another Francophone country, please write about it in French in the space provided. Essential Question: -general question that is not specific to the current unit -can be answered multiple times during this unit and any that follow. Guiding Question:-specific question that is related to the current unit -can be answered during this unit and maybe in other contexts. Cristy Vogel 8/14
Nom________________ Unit Understandings Unité ___: Essential Question: Cristy Vogel 8/14
Nom________________ Unit Understandings Unité ___: Guiding Questions: Cristy Vogel 8/14
Nom________________ Unit Understandings Unité ___: Cultural Understandings: Record new cultural information here (in French when possible because you will have to write about cultural understandings in the target language.) What have you discovered through the products, practices, and/or perspectives of the cultures you’re studying? What is similar/different? Cristy Vogel 8/14
Nom________________ Unit Understandings Unité ___: Personalized Vocabulary: Record new vocabulary (and English translation)for this unit. (Anytime you need to look up a word or understand it in a text, on a video, or in a listening excerpt, record it here.) Cristy Vogel 8/14