verb arouse hopes that will be frustrated Synonyms : tempt, tease, entice (in TYS) Greek. Tantalos, king of Phrygia, son of Zeus, punished in the afterlife (for an offense variously given) by being made to stand in a river up to his chin, under branches laden with fruit, all of which withdrew from his reach whenever he tried to eat or drink. tantalize (TAN tuh lize)
adjective excessively sentimental Synonyms : mushy, tear-jerking, mawkish (MAW kish) M.E. proper name Maudelen ( Magdalene ), woman's name, originally surname of Mary, the repentant sinner forgiven by Jesus in Luke 7:37. In paintings, she was often shown weeping as a sign of repentance. Meaning "characterized by tearful sentimentality" is recorded by 1630s. maudlin (MAWD lin)
verb startle, excite, shock, electrify Synonyms : excite, stimulate, animate (AN uh mate) stimulate by galvanic electricity," from French galvaniser. Figurative sense of "excite, stimulate (as if by electricity)" first recorded 1853 galvanize (GAL vuh nize)
adjective liking the company of others, sociable Synonyms : sociable, social, convivial (kuh VIV ee ul) 1660s, "living in flocks" (of animals), from Latin gregarius, from grex "flock, herd," "to gather together, assemble" (Greek ageirein "to assemble," agora "assembly;" Sense of "sociable" first recorded gregarious ( gruh GAIR ee us )
adjective outstandingly bad Synonyms: outrageous, flagrant (FLAY grunt) From Latin egregius "distinguished, excellent, extraordinary," from the phrase ex grege "rising above the flock," from ex "out of" + grege (grex) "herd, flock“. Originally ironic and is not in the Latin word, which etymologically means simply "exceptional." egregious (ih GREE jus)
Roots Pyro – fire pyrotechnics Fort – strong; brave Fortify, comfort Morph – shape Metamorphosis Macro – large ◦ Macro-biology schiz, schis – to split or cut ◦ Schizophrenia, schism